Well, that just about does it for another year, the majority of the plants are done and vines now await garden trash pick up - never put pulled vines in your compost - a great disease source.
Anyhoo, I will go through my pics over the fall and winter and may post a few more, but for now, here's the final word for Black Prince x Cherokee Purple -these are 2nd generation fruit - saved seed will be F3. Much later than I had hoped, but a nice productive plant once it got going and fairly healthy too. My taste test notes indicate smooth pleasant flavour on the sweet side with not a lot of juice. Didn't use my ruler, but squares on table cover are 3/4 inch. Not a truly fair taste evaulation, as these were picked green and ripened indoors.
I did not save seed from the catfaced fruit from plant 2, as I did not want to continue this line - Tom Wagner advised the catfacing would continue into future generations. Notice this is a red/black fruit - so yellow skin dominates over the pink/black of Cherokee Purple.