Monday, July 29, 2013

July 28 Plot 5 Update

Time to clear the clutter in Plot 5 .......... dug all the beets, very small and rodent nibbled, the green beans were finished so out they came and I was going to harvest both potato plants - but have a look at what was dug from one hill ............ couldn't carry any more home - 7+ pounds!!!

Love the way the potato onions grow ......... just pulled two for today

and planted more Samish spinach in the space provided by potato harvest; also planted cilantro in the harvested beet row

Overview of the garden .......... Gypsy peppers are looking good and Roger's Sweet Light Yellow tomato (just behind the peppers) has more tomatoes than I can count

Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27 Tomatoes

Getting some colour on my tomatoes - here's Persimmon x unknown heart (from F2 seed) not sure what final colour will be .........

and Durmitor just starting to blush

July 21 Harvest

The summer harvest begins in Plot 5:  Potato onion, Berlicummer carrot, Melrose peppers, Provider bush beans, bush cucumber and eggplant

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 17 First Ripe Tomato

The title says it all ............ Sunsugar F1 from my at home container garden
Also seeded at Plot 5 (July 14)

Friday, July 12, 2013

July 12 Update

Been a while since last post, so a bit of an update

Have a look at this beauty - Cerinthe major 'Kiwi Blue' - started these from seed in the spring - now bringing lots of bees to Plot 5

And Cheerful plant 5 - one of my more advanced dwarf trial tomatoes

Peppers and eggplant starting to set fruit, but I think they may need a little boost - will top dress with neem meal on my next trip to the garden.  Check out my one remaining kale plant - so beautiful - hopefully will get some seed from this one.

Local nursery was giving away tomatoes, peppers and eggplant starts with any purchase - could't resist but had to find space - so another potato plant was harvested - couldn't believe the number of potatoes from one plant - Yukon Gold; beans 'Provider' are also starting to provide a nice harvest

Also time to sow more seeds (July 9)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2 Tomatoes and Chard

Update on my at home tomatoes ........... all moved out front due to powerwashing!! Wee tomatoes are starting to set on all plants now

And had to post .......... harvested some chard from Plot 5 - here is the result - eggs and chard - perfect partners - yum