Tuesday, October 8, 2013

September 15 - Last Days of Summer

The Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce has sprouted and the violas get ready to greet the new season .....
cauliflower and radicchio transplants are loving the cooler weather
and the red cabbage transplants (in front the of the purple pole beans) thrive, while the beans are thinking of calling it a day

September 8 - More Seeding

almost forgot - didn't take any picutres ...........

but did direct seed:  Wine Country Mesclun, West Coast Market Blend Mesclun, Ching Chiang Paci Choi, Samish Spinach and Cilantro

September 10 - Plot 5 Update

Lots of pictures in this post ......

but first wanted to share the progress of "Medusa" tomato (Persimmon x unknown heart) -  most picked green due to collapse of plant and my need to make room for fall transplants.  While these were not the greatest tasting fresh, they ripened to a lovely orange and made for both a very yummy pasta sauce and 12 small jars of tomato jam and marmalade

And an updated view of Plot 5 in early September - the chard is taking over - now to find some good recipes to use the bounty
my peppers - Mucho Nacho and Cherry Bell .......... don't know what causes the striations on the fruit
and can't forget the flowers, Wyn's Sensation has truly been a sensation - broomstick thick stocks and many wonderful flowers
bees continue to enjoy September's sunny days

September 7 - Toms and Fall Fair

The summer tomato bounty at its peak

Also had to brag about my ribbons from the South Burnaby Garden Club Fall Fair - one would think it an easy matter to find six similar beans - not!  From my Plot 5 plants.

August 26 - Transplants

Been away from the blog for a bit, but now going through all my photos and hope to get this up to date shortly.

So, back to Augusut 26th - bought some lovely transplants, and they are looking good - cauliflower, radicchio and kale

Also found room to seed more lettuce (Amish Deer Tongue) my favourite and some of Renee's scallion duo