Monday, August 4, 2014

July 22 Plot 5's Bounty

This garden is made to grow potatoes - have a look at the harvest from one hill each French Fingerling and German Butter

more potato onions, kale, scallions and green beans; for every potato onion bulb planted the return is generally five and they store well until the spring
lots of blossoms on "Gretel" eggplant but no fruit set yet

Another tomato - Fish Lake Oxheart - seems very productive to date

a forest of dwarf tomatoes, from the left - Wherokowfai, Cheerful F3 and Dwarf Black Angus

and space emerges for fall planting

July 16 More Sweet Peas and Beans

The post title says it all - love the colours

July 14 Plot 5 Garden Overflows

I tend to squeeze too much into my garden plot - but with this summer's heat wave it has helped keep the soil moist with little watering required to date .....

tomatoes remain robust and healthy - really looking forward to Wherokowhai

more sweet peas - a lovely large boquet every few days - and look at this harvest from my one Yukon Gold hill ..... oh and mustn't forget my first "Bush Baby" zucchini

"Red Swan" the first red bush bean I've grown - very pretty in the garden

and to finish off this post - Aster x frikartii Monch - seems intent on taking over the garden!!

July 10 More to Harvest

Everything grows so quickly this time of the year ........

a large bouquet of sweetpeas "April in Paris" very powerful scent

more potato onions and scallions, blueberries and French fingerling potatoes

the first pick of my bush beans - Red Swan and a tasty green variety.

July 8 Harvest Begins

My first potato onion with two Red Robin F1 scallions - crisp, sweet wonderful flavour!!  The scallions are from Renee's Garden "Delicious Duo" mix - well worth growing

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 4 Tomatoes in Containers

Lots of blossoms and some fruit set.  All plants started to yellow from the bottom and these leaves were removed.  Containers have now been mulched with dried grass clippings and a few feedings with 10-15-10 seems to have helped

Maglia Rosa

Rancho Solito

July 1 - Happy Canada Day!!

Summer has really kicked in .....

truly amazing how much can fit in 6 x 12 foot plot - this section from far left:  leeks, bush beans, scallions, mesclun mix, kale, garlic chives, carrots and sorrel

check out the growth in my zucchini in just a week

Yum - ripe Patriot blueberries

 Eggplant "Gretel" now in bloom - this was a purchased seedling - label notes an early productive white

"Red Swan" bush bean babies

and more babies - this time on my Wherokowhai tomato

Plot 5 - June 23

And a week later ...........

my first sweetpea bloom "April in Paris" amazing scent - one bloom will scent an entire room!!

Red Swan bush beans now in flower

the harvest begins .......

last of the Amish Deer tongue lettuce and my first green onion - so sweet

a few test potatoes - French Fingerling, Yukon Gold and Red Chieftain

and again, an overview

Plot 5 - June 17

My garden's grown too much!!

potato onions, orach, violas and covered blueberry bush - berries just starting to show some colour

tomatoes look green and healthy - in front Wherokowhai, Dwarf Black Angus and Cheerful F3 - Fish Lake Oxheart and Margaret Curtain behind being taken over by potato foliage!!

bush beans, green onions, mesclun mix, kale and garlic chives

my "Bush Baby" zucchini in container in overflow plot

overview of Plot 5 - rosemary has put on amazing growth this year and the sweet peas are just starting their climb up the trellis

Tomatoes June 10

A quick look at some of my container grown tomatoes .......

and a closer look at two of interest -

Maglia Rosa - developed by breeder Fred Hempel

Rancho Solito - note the lovely potato leafs - this one has Stupice in its background - so hopefully I'll get ripe tomatoes before August!!

Monday, June 16, 2014

May 26 Plot 5 Great Growth

Another bit of a catch up - amazing looking back at photos just how fast the garden is growing ....

have a look - tomatoes are happy campers to date
German Giant radishes ready to harvest - most were clean, but some wire worm damage noted
harvested spinach provides space for Renee's Wine country mesclun mix - these were delicious last year ...
and a garden overview - the violas have put on amazing growth - just beautiful!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tomatoes May 11

Mini Cheerful still looking a tomato apart

More Dwarfs - Cheerful, Dwarf Black Angus, Wherokowhai and Coastal Pride Orange

Plot 5 May 7

time to make room for summer cops - out comes the winter greenery - leek starts planted and lettuce and radish continue to grow
all four potato varieties - Yukon Gold, German Butter, French Fingerling and Red Chieftain now up and growing

Tomatoes April 29

Tomatoes one week later - Pro-Mix Potting Mix used for transplant - looking good