Monday, May 19, 2014

Tomatoes May 11

Mini Cheerful still looking a tomato apart

More Dwarfs - Cheerful, Dwarf Black Angus, Wherokowhai and Coastal Pride Orange

Plot 5 May 7

time to make room for summer cops - out comes the winter greenery - leek starts planted and lettuce and radish continue to grow
all four potato varieties - Yukon Gold, German Butter, French Fingerling and Red Chieftain now up and growing

Tomatoes April 29

Tomatoes one week later - Pro-Mix Potting Mix used for transplant - looking good

Tomatoes April 22

Time for transplant - Cheerful F3 Dwarf - middle pic - one much smaller than the others - maybe a micro dwarf??

Fast Forward - April 21

"Geranium" Narcissi in bloom and overwintered herbs/greens - Chervil with its lovely delicate licorice flavour, cilantro, purple sprouting broccoli and purple mustard

Garden overview - seeded lettuce and radish show good germination - potato trench in back and first potato to emerge