Thursday, December 31, 2015

December 31, 2015

Here's to the New Year ......

October 9

And a final look at the fall garden - last pictures from my Plot 5 for 2015 ....
White alyssum still a useful ground cover, and various salad mixes and Asian stir fry mix now cover the rest of the garden

Silverado Swiss chard and parsley continue to provide healthy greens well into the fall and the Patriot blueberry's lovely hues, echo those of Vista Minnie .......

October 9 Dahlias

Fall is here and the garden is still looking wonderful - especially the dahlias ...... two purchased at Van Dusen's dahlia sale this year - loved them both, Ms Lisa very beautiful, but shy with her flowers - this was not the case with Vista Minnie -

October 1 Root Veggies and More

Nearing the end of the garden harvest for this year - some baby Golden Beets, and cooked medley ... beets, carrots and green beans; the baby limas were a challenge to shell for not much in return - a very long season crop - even in our record breaking summer this year

Mid September Fall Fair

Couldn't resist adding these to my blog - didn't get a lot of pics from the garden due to camera melt down - but did manage to get a few of my winnera at local Fall Fair ...... a First for "Most Unusual Vegetable" - a very ripe Poona Kheera cucumber!! and a Second for my Rossa Lunga di Firenze red onions .....

and more winners .... Early Thorogreen Lima, Matilda pole beans and moss curled parsley

Early September Tomatoes

Well, I managed to id these two ...... Plant "E" turned out to be the winner re taste and plant health

and more seed saving ... notice the nice fungus matt that has formed on these two

August 22 PPP x PP Grow outs

More updates on my PPP x PP "B" grow outs ............

fruit from Plant D to the left and Plant C to the right

and a few sliced ones from the PPP x PP grow out - unfortunately no identifying notes!!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Mid August More Tomatoes

Well, this blog is PNW Tomatoes - so here we go ...... more of the lovlies

Berkeley Tie-Dye, Red (seed saving begins)

and two from the Dwarf Project:  Sweet Scarlet Dwarf, and the yellow Summer Sweet Gold (delicious)

August 9 Lots of Ripe Tomatoes!

Early August and I have more ripe tomatoes that I can eat - yipee!!

First, a view of the back yard container tomatoes - somewhat thread bare, but they are supplying ripe tomatoes

then a closer look a the plant on the left - this is my PPP x PP 'B' F4 "E" - early with lovely rich flavour, one of the healthier plants, and likely the one I will move ahead with in my stabilization efforts ...... also lots of Black Krim Cherry (not yet stable, this was a pink, but lovely flavour) third plant from the left, and taking over its neighbour as well

a few more harvest pics - from 12 noon:  Paul Robeson, Dragon's Eye (round), Black Krim Cherry, Dragon's Eye (heart) and PPP x PP 'B' F4 "E"

and two pics from front container garden - Maglia Rosa - work horse of a tomato and lovely for munching and 0-33 still on the plant - early, but flavour is not my favourite

Saturday, December 5, 2015

July 18 Colour in the Garden

The veggie harvest continues ..... green bush beans, Petit Marseillais sweet pepper, cucumber and tomato - Berkeley Tie-Dye, Red

and more colour from Plot 5 - red leaf lettuce going to seed (will plant much less and stagger next year), red heirloom torpedo onions (Rossa Lunga di Firenze from Renee's Garden) and Vista Minnie dahlia purchased at Van Dusen Dahlia sale


July 11 Ripe Tomatoes and Plot 5 revisited

Record summer for sunshine, and here are some of the first ripe tomatoes - this has to be a first for me - never had a first ripe before July 15 - and that was a Sweet 100 many years ago

Paul Robeson (larger) and Black Prince (smaller); Black Prince was grown from purchased plant

and a quick look at Plot 5 - beans, lettuce, dahlias, cucumbers, garlic chives, alyssum (great mulch and bee plant) ....

have a look at this beautiful red lettuce, going to seed; came in a purchased baby lettuce mix and Sweet Scarlet Dwarf tomato, doing well in Plot 5 - can you spot the large tomato hiding in the foliage

July 8 More Container Tomatoes

Another view of my back garden container tomatoes, one week of growth, tomatoes are becoming more visible, with good fruit set on all varieties although plants themselves are now starting to look a little tired and low on nutrients, always seems to happen with fruit set

and again, the front container tomatoes

with a focus on two tomatoes from the Dwarf Tomato Project

Sweet Scarlet Dwarf, potato leaf, red  - the plant and fruit

Summer Sweet Gold, potato leaf, light golden yellow, the plant and fruit