Monday, December 25, 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

December 22 - Visit to Plot 5

Here is Plot 5 - kale, chard and self-sown lettuce are doing just fine with the snow

December 19 Snow!!


Containers now planted with mesclun mix, watermelon radish and spring bulbs .......

Saturday, December 16, 2017

November 12 More Tomatoes!

yes, I did say the tomato harvest was done, but here are the mystery micro dwarfs harvested from Plot 5 (grown in small containers); my plan is to start a few over the winter to see how they do indoors

October 31 More Trees and a Halloween Visitor

Halloween Eve Visitor at Q.E. Park
more colourful trees ..........

Thursday, December 14, 2017

October 22 Fall Colours in Vancouver

I don't recall ever seeing such wonderful fall colours here on the coast  - enjoy!

October 6 and 17 Good Keepers

Here is a pic of striped Dwarf Worry F3 picked green (from Plot 5) along with Apero Cherry - just amazing production off single plant

on October 17 most have ripened and are a very nice addition to salads - great keeping quality - sadly this is the last of my 2017 tomato harvest

October 3 Kelowna

Check out the colours ...... fall in Kelowna, BC

September 27 Plot 5

Fall has arrived!!

Beets and alyssum still going strong and Apero still providing lovely red cherry tomatoes .....

radishes to left of alyssum growing well with lots of self-sown baby lettuce popping up everywhere!!  The sown lettuce to the right of the alyssum was older seed and germination was not good

I decided to keep the striped Dwarf Worry F3 with lots of healthy new growth still many green tomatoes

September 13 And Then There Were None

mid September and the plants are no longer happy campers, so time for fall clean up; look at the bounty that will ripen indoors

a few containers will be refreshed with Gaia Green 2-8-4 and spring bulbs planted when the weather begins to cool .......

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Early September More Sliced Toms

A few more ..........

another from the Dwarf Project Scary F3 Striped from Plot 5; the stripes fade as the fruit ripens

Dwarf Purple Heart

Heart's Delite Black

August 31 Plot 5 Revisited

With so much happening in my tomato container garden Plot 5 has not received much attention of late .......... so time for a big clear out and a start on planting my fall crops

Sweet Alyssum, a favourite of beneficials, self sows and the bees are happy working the garlic chive blossoms;  also note Apero F1 tomato - this one just keeps going and going with the most delicious cherry tomatoes ever and healthy foliage (unlike my container Apero)

here's what was planted (click on pic for larger view):

August 30 and 31 More Sliced Tomatoes

I love this time of the tomato year, so many colours, flavours and choices to be made for future grow outs .....

first up J's fav Not Russian 117

and two I plan to continue with in 2018 from the Dwarf Tomato Breeding Project

Scary F3 Plant 1

Worry F3

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

August 27 and 28 Sliced Tomatoes, Seed Saving and More

Can't have too many tomato pics when it only happens for such a short time each year

Dwarf Scary (didn't note which Plant) check out all the juice!! and seed saving begins

Dwarf Purple Heart (rather unnoteworthy) and Captain Lucky (very nice)

and when one can eat no more fresh tomatoes it is time for tomato sauce, the bounty will be roasted along with onions and garlic with basil and oregano to taste added when the cooled roasted sauce is blended; I was so happy with my sauce this year - very few seeds and a wonderful rich, sweet flavour

August 26 More Tomatoes

First, another pic of the container plants - lots of ripe tomatoes to harvest

First up we have Dwarf PL Scary F3 Plant 1
Taste notes:  "super juicy, super sweet, yum  8.5"

Followed by Heart's Delite Black; if I had to pick one this would be it as my favourite of 2017
Taste notes:  "delicious large beefstake, juicy, very productive, nice looking fruit - grow again"

Here is Dwarf PL Worry F3
Taste notes:  "good keeper, very slight BER, sweet meaty substantial flavour, also nice amount of juice; lovely to look at 8+ wonderful, deep red juice - nice amount of "meat" solid red colour ps:  grow again in 2018"

Dwarf PL Scary F3
Taste notes:  super juicy - sweet - best when almost overripe; not generally a smooth fruit, lots of catfacing; good yield; skins somewhat noticeable

Not Russian 117 PL pink (J's fav)
Taste note:  nice texture - slight acid on the lips - not overly sweet - good for BLTs