Thursday, April 12, 2018

April 10 Tomato Update

Almost time to pot up these babies - check out the size of KARMA Pink's potato leaves (middle left) .....

and this one is special to me "Saluteus" hopefully as wonderful as last year - an F4 dwarf and its leaves are also enormous potato leaves (left plant in container on right)

April 9 - Plot 5

Soil has dried out some, and time to plant potatoes ...... my potato choices for this year:

French Long
Island Amber
Prince of Orange
Yukon Gold

March 31 Tomato Update

here are my tomatoe babies - one month old ........

also started some peppers ...... I have no idea why I started so many per cell - I only wanted four plants ...... but here is my sweet pepper list:

Donkey Ears
Lunch Box Red

also - the wee single tomato on the right "Red Dawn" germinated from 17 year old seed - which made me happy, because it appears to be rather rare these days - one of the first seed I traded for way back when ....  

March 19 - Last Day of Winter

I attempted to dig over Plot 5 - but the soil is still very wet - so no more digging today

I did however find what appears to be an undug hill of potatoes - all of which had started to sprout!!  I did not replant these potatoes as my space is limited and I have new varieties I'd like to trial this year .......

March 1 - Tomato Seeds Sown

Decided to get a somewhat earlier start on my tomatoes this year ......

Always a hard decision to decide what to grow - with so many new seeds to try and continued grow outs to stabilize earlier crosses; here is my Tomato List 2018:

Cherry Roma
Red Dawn
Adelaide Festival
Dwarf Worry F4
Dwarf Scary F4 (now  "Saluteus")
Heart's Delite Black
Fuego Verde
Girl Girl's Weird Thing (GGWT)
plus two unnamed micro-minis

February 24 - More Snow!!

Just when you think winter is on the way out ......... have a look!!

but there is a wee bit of green to enjoy - micro-mini tomato babies were started on December 28th from my saved seed

February 11 - Overwintered Veggies

A little late in getting started on my 2018 blog ...... but to start us off here's a few pics from Plot 5 taken February 11th

A lovely kale plant overwintered - not sure of variety as I planted a number of varieties ..... also lots of overwintered baby lettuce, some radishes and my garlic chives are making their annual appearance