Friday, December 20, 2019

December 2019

Well, another year almost done....... and no more garden photos to post

but fear not, some changes coming in the New Year and I've already started planning my tomato list for 2020

and to all a good night .........

October 31 - Happy Halloween

Last of the fall colour before the rains come ...... VanDusen Botanical Garden

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

October 30 - Plot 5

First an overview of Plot 5 ....... getting ready for winter - clean up complete

and a few close ups .... my perennial cauliflower started from seed earlier this year - no harvest to date, but by spring I hope for some yummy shoots

next - Mescluns Mild Blend seeded August 28

and finally some Tuscan Baby Leaf Kale planted July 1 and Cerinthe Blue Kiwi; I planted the Cereinthe many years ago, and every year a few appear

October 29 Back Container Garden

My container greens have exploded, and today I also planted my spring bulbs

First up on left is Lacinato Rainbow Kale - quite lovely and yummy to.  This container was direct seeded on August 19th as was the container to the right - West Coast Seeds Alfresco Blend Mescluns - this mix comes pelleted with a mix of greens in each pellet - I planted two pellets in this container - rather expensive, but I love the way it grows

next up my "Ballerina" lily flowering tulips and to the right a pinch of mystery salad mix provided by West Coast Seeds at their booth at the Pacific National Exhibition - a few mustards, arugula and more ....... and some lovely blue viola that should overwinter and look amazing come the spring - time will tell

next up, containers planted with bulbs - Woronowill Snowdrops, Botanical Mix Snow Crocus and Bridal Crown Narcisses (one of my favourites)

and a special one - new to me, but highly recommended Tiger Mix Dutch Iris

and the last two containers - back another pinch of mystery salad mix provided by West Coast Seeds at their booth at the Pacific National Exhibition and in the front my Amethyst radish that I hoped would provide some seed - not there yet, but perhaps will overwinter?

Mid October - More Colours of Fall

Just a few, but they are so amazing ..... no colour correction here!!

Monday, December 16, 2019

October 1 - Victoria and Butchart Gardens

Oyster Catcher - Beacon Hill Park

Butchart Gardens in the Fall

September 26 And Then Its Fall

my tiny back square in-ground garden ....... Fred's Tie Dye - last tomato standing, along with Dwarf Curled Scotch and Lacinato kales started indoors from seed - hopefully I'll be eating these late into the year, and maybe early next year

September 21 Last Few Days of Summer

Noticed a  Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar munching down some blackberry leaves - I've read this critter can have a nasty sting .........

September 13 Garden 10/11 and 64

Here is a pic of Garden 10/11 as Fall fast approaches - Zinnias are becoming another of my favourite flowers - and a few mystery dahlias

and a bouquet

my newest Garden 64 - now snowpeas are gone on to some winter veggies .......

September 10 Cabbage

Here is a pic of one of my Caraflex cabbage from Plot 5 - a favourite, early and sweet

September 6 - 10/11 and 64 Garden

Here's a harvest pic from my 10/11 and 64 Garden ........ small cherries are Sweet Hearts F1 - rampant vine, no splitting, productive and a nice flavour; Oregon Giant snow peas are amazing - this is the 2nd planting - seeded July 4th - and they keep going and going - can be eaten at larger size without getting tough and they are well suited to a short 3 ft trellis; also more La Roma tomatoes - the tomato that doesn't stop giving 😕 why this one??  and some lovely green beans ....

September 1 Still Tomatoes

Well, there are still a few tomatoes to be had ........

Fred's Tie Dye - notes:  back square garden, lovely beefsteak, but too ripe to taste test (how did I miss this one!) fairly healthy plant, not overly productive

Sunday, December 15, 2019

August 26 Now for Something Completely Different

I love old cars, and our local late summer fair had a fabulous display this year ....... here are a few (apologies to you tomato heads out there) 😁

August 26 Back to the Garden

Thought it time to revisit Plot 5

Wow - what a mess!  However, bees are loving all the flowers so not a total waste of gardening space

my vision for Plot 5 this year was potatoes and dahlias - but most dahlias take until August to start looking interesting; anyhoo, here are two of my favourites

August 24 More Tomatoes

Had to post a photo of my La Roma F1 tomato harvest - these were grown in my "10/11 Garden" totally tasteless and a waste of space - but they did provide bags and bags of tomatoes from one very health determinant plant - the cherry tomatoes are SweetHearts F1

and two sliced -first up Fred's Tie Tie

and 7c 28-1 and I made taste test notes!!  juicy, sweet - nice and meaty - no core really good Plant 1

August 24 Pepper Harvest

First, an overview of the plants .......

and the harvest - Doe Hill - these were harvested on August 13th

and today's pick:  Doe Hill, Cambuci, Zolotistyi and Yellow Capriglio

Friday, December 13, 2019

August 19 --Then There Were Three

Mid-August and I'm down to three container tomato plants - well actually four, but cherry tomatoes, although yummy (Apero F1) don't count

hopefully somewhere in my notes I've listed the remaining varieties

the peppers are still thriving, and I now have an empty container ready to go (after a good mix in of compost) for fall plantings ....... the empty container was planted with Amethyst Radish - my favourite - but very hard to find seed; my hope is for seed saving from this planting

August 13 Container Tomatoes

Looking back at my photos I had no idea the tomatoes were over so soon ...... but none of these plants provided a plentiful crop of tomatoes ....... a few tiny green ones here and there after initial harvest, with not much chance of ripening before the rains arrive

First an overview:

And a closeup of each:

Fred's Tie Dye - back garden square

Fred's Tie Dye Plant 1

Fred Dye Tie Plant 2

Adelaide Festival Plant 1

Adelaide Festival Plant 2

7c 28-1 Plant 2