Well, there is only so much one can control in community gardens ........ have lost a lovely short wood trellis and something - crows? rats? have ruined my peas ........ so not wanting to lose another trellis I've decided not to grow peas in my raised bed gardens this year .......
In addition, compost arrived a bit late for my liking, but I decided a top up was needed - to there goes my earlier seeding efforts!!
But that's OK is has been so cold here not much will be lost ------ I did however manage to replant my tiny sprouted radishes into Bed 64
Still have not totally decided what will be planted in these raised beds, with fresh greens getting harder to access as we try to isolate I'm thinking lots of cherry tomatoes and greens ...... time will tell
A few pics .....
Trying out a new veg for me this round ..... bottom right Bed 10 a row of Hong Vit Leaf Radish