Monday, August 31, 2020

July 31 Time to Start Seeding for Fall

 Did some clearing out in Beds 10/11 and 64 to make room for fall seeding .... but first I'll start with the classic flower of summer - for the bees .....

some Breen lettuce transplants into Bed 10

and Sugar Lace II Snap Peans planted around sunflower stalks in Bed 64

July 31 Finally - It's About Tomatoes

Well, I have had earlier crops- but still, the end of July and the tomatoes are beginnng to come in (along with a few other veggies as well)

The end of July back garden overview, then the tomatoes

Sunchocola F1 and Oud Holland were tied for first ripe ....... and sliced - the texture was a bit on the grainy side for Oud Holland the the core a little too pronounced - but not bad for a first large tomato; Sunchocola was very nice and juicy

Here's Red Lithium along with two more Sunchocola's

and a few more harvest pics ..... Sunburst squash, beans, snow peas, snap peas and my first ripe pepper - Cajun Belle

Saturday, August 29, 2020

July 26 10/11 and 64 Garden

Tithonia in Bed 64 is now in bloom ...... and Teensy tomato in same bed has set a nice looking truss


and Beds 10/11 overview

July 25 Giant Zucchini Plant

Just love the way my "Cocozelle" zucchini is growing, started from seed and now planted in 5 gallon container out back ......

and to the right - dark leafed Dahlia grown from seed collected at Beacon Hill Park in Victoria last year ...... 

July 24 "R" Garden

The Dahlias are definitely the star of the show in "R" garden ...... the kale keeps growing but the zinnias (saved seed) are just not as colourful as last year 

July 23 Back Container Garden

An overview ....... and a few tomatoes of note:  Sunchocola - first to show colour, a nice sized Oud Holland just starting to turn, and Bundaberg Rumball (dwarf) productive!!

Friday, August 28, 2020

July 22 Beds 10/11 and 64

We have tomato set on Bed 11 "Worry" dwarf F3 tomatoes ...... four appear to be paste/heart with the fifth showing beefsteak shape - with stripes!!

and an overview of the tomatoes - planted way too close together - and more to harvest .....

the overview ..... and harvest

July 15 "R" Garden

 Check out my potato harvest, lovely and clean; these were not hilled as I didn't get to the garden as often as I should have - but only lost a few to green skin - Yukon Gold, and my dahlia is blooming already, I love the way it compliment the calendula!  Kale trial plants keep growing and a few direct seeded zinnia just beginning to flower

July 14 Beds 10/11 and 64

 More to harvest ........ Bed 10 is looking full and lush with still some good lettuce; Bed 11 dwarf tomatoes are starting to take on yellow foliage; Bed 64 providing some lovely small zucchini and bush beans

Thursday, August 27, 2020

July 12 Back Container Garden

Just amazing growth - the bean trellis is now covered and tomatoes looking healthy and green; tomatoes have been feed weekly with Thrive Alive Green B-1(kelp) and Schultz 10-15-10 Liquid Plant Food

July 10 We Have Tomato Set

back to tomatoes - here are two that have now set fruit

Bundaberg Rumball (from the Dwarf Project) and Sunchocola F1 - gotta love those names .... Sunchocola bred by Tokita in Japan - the same company that gave us Sungold F1......

and a first pull of garlic - Georgian Fire on the bottom and Elephant garlic on top - a bit early so the rest will wait

July 8 Bed 64

Bed 64 is filling up - and another harvest from the gas station garden

July 3 More to Harvest


July 1 "R" Garden Update

"R" Garden update ........ sedums are in full blossom, dahlia buds are growing, kale continue to look amazing and we have potatoes to harvest ... the red potatoes were missed last year ...... and provided a lovely crop this year

July 1 Happy Canada Day!!

 my Canada Day lilies .....

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

June 29 Salad Days of Summer

 Starting to get some lovely salad material from my various veggie gardens .......

June 25 Back Container Garden

Have a look at the back container garden - the peppers are nearly as large as the tomatoes!!  And nice early fruit set on Cajun Belle ..... hopefully not too hot - as I prefer mild peppers