First, an overview of the three beds ... plants from the dwarf tomato grow out are beginning to look a little thread bare - these plants were just too bushy and a lot of leaf disease set in ..... but top growth is good and fruit is ripening
the Soleil and Teensy tomatoes in Bed 10 have fallen over, so I'll let them sprawl (the natural state of tomato vines); beans in right corner are growing well
and Bed 64 with Sunflowers and Tithona (Mexican Sunflower) in bloom
here is the harvest off four of the dwarf Worry plants - note two with pronounced stripes; these had to be harvested at first blush as the rats have now started nibbling at the fruit - some of these will be for seed saving only
and a close up of Worry "C" fruit to show size and weight
the Citizen Seed Trial tomatoes are also beginning to ripen ......
From Bed 10:
From Bed 64:
a ripe Teensy from Bed 10 - often seeds with green gel indicate good flavour - in this case my notes say: "soft vague acid, lots of seeds, maybe overripe"- so likely not a keeper - but the plant is healthy with excellent production