Friday, November 13, 2020

September 19 Update on R Garden

dahlias just get better and better ...... really happy with R Garden this year considering the little time I spent tending it ......

a close up - Dazzling Sun to the left, Papageno to the right - both beautiful

the Winter Rainbow and Dazzling Blue kale keeps on growing ...... some mildew is beginning, but hopefully the plants will outgrow this as the cooler weather approaches - I'm hoping to over-winter these for early spring sprouts - the from plant, while the least colourful, seems to be the most mildew resistant

my mustard seed has sprouted - will see if it makes it through our winter - will be a good ground cover for now

sunflowers and zinnias add to the colour

September 18 Beds 10/11 and 64

back to the triple raised beds ....... Beds 10/11 were seeded with WCS Mesclun Mix, WCS Fast and Furious Lettuce and WCS Mustard Blend, but I may have waited too long too much of a result; the Masai bush beans are still wonderful - a definite grow again next year

snap peas are now in bloom and radishes just showing to the right ....... but not happy with growth of mesclun mix - my guess is all the wood chips in the soil mix are depleting nitrogen supply - peas do well because they produce their own ........

time to save a few nasturtium seed

September 18 Back Garden Update

 mid September and some of the tomato plants have been removed - these no longer had tomatoes that would ripen

the pepper plants, while looking a little bedraggled are still producing ....... here is the latest haul

and the overview - with the basil on the right now the star!!

September 10 Peppers

 Really happy with my peppers this year; I find they are totally happy in small containers, and in general much healthier than my tomatoes .......

so an overview, then some closeups - my absolute favourite this year was Donkey Ears; I'm not a hot pepper fan so Cajun Belle seemed a bit too hot for my taste - but a really nice plant

Padron's are normally stir fried green, but again too hot, so I let them ripen for seed