Friday, December 25, 2020

December 25th Merry Christmas!!


Some Christmas Cheer .......

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

December 16 "R" Garden


Almost year end ........ and what a year it has been

"R" Garden has been through a number of frosts - the mustard seems happy, the kale continues to reach for the sky and even the calendula still offers a bloom

Sunday, December 6, 2020

November 25 Back Garden

Decided to cover my leaves with bicycle helmet nets to keep wind from blowing them away ....... has worked well to date

Mesclun mix growing well through light frosts ....

Back gardens mulched with leaves, and the "Brokali" now providing salad add ons ........

November 15

 Sun through the trees

and fence art - when do people make these?

November 2 "R" Garden

Time to dig the dahlia tubers - previous years I would dig before frost - but read it is better to let them get frosted first ....... plenty of healthy clean tubers - fingers crossed for successful overwinter

the garden, minus the dahlias - note how much the mustard has grown!

I'm hoping some of the kale will overwinter (of course had to include one more colourful tree)

October 31 Happy Halloween!!


October 24 Bulbs Are In

 Early frost yesterday - beautiful sunny day today - spring flowering bulbs are now planted

October 18 Back Container Garden

 Finally a bloom from the dahlia started from seed this spring - hopefully the tubers will overwinter - love the dark foliage

and the containers - mesclun mix (from three pellets)

almost time to clear the plants and prepare continers for planting spring flowering bulbs

a fall harvest radish!!

October 18 More Fall Colour

Just had to add one more .........

October 13 "R" Garden

 Dahlias still looking colourful, and the seeded mustard is making a nice ground cover, and more colour - kale leaf

October 5 A Splash of Fall Colour


September 29 Beds 10/11 and 64

 Managed a few pea pods for salads from Bed 64 and Tithonia and Sunflowers nearing their end - although the birds seem to  enjoy the seeds of both

Beds 10/11 with wee greens beginning to show, and Hong Vit Leaf Radish looking good

Nasturtium seem to enjoy the fall weather ......

End of September Back Container Garden

The end of September fast approaches, and the plants are looking a little tired - but still some harvest to be had from the peppers and a few tomatoes ........ Sunchocola F1 (far left) remained healthy and tasty the entire season and the basil (far right) is looking amazing!

September 26th harvest - first of the "Brokali" and last of the tomatoes and peppers