Saturday, October 15, 2022

October 14 Queen Elizabeth Park

October 11 Beds 10/11 and 64

another quick check in for water ........ amazing the growth in just a few days

October 11 'R' Garden

just a quick check in to water .......

October 10 Tomatoes

the last of the 15th and Vine tomatoes put away to ripen some weeks back ...... not the flavour of vine ripened, but good for shakshuka

October 7 Beds 10/11 and 64

first harvest of fall greens .... arugula, mizuna, scarlet mustard and tah tai 

radish and arugula 

Bed 64
Croatian Yellow bean looking hopeful for seed

October 7 'R' Garden

bean tower beginning to fade
while the kale is growing fast .....

October 1 Beds 10/11 and 64

 amazing - from one small shrivelled dahlia tuber 

more green beginning to show in Bed 64 -
hopefully my Croatian Yellow Beans will give me fresh seed ... 
and the greening beginning in Beds 10 and 11

October 1 'R' Garden

another quick check in ..... fresh bouquets every few days


beans still providing but this will be the last picking ........ those remaining are for seed saving if the weather continue to co-operate

the Winter Blend mesclun mix is not happy, no rain in a long while, and likely not enough watering; usually at this time of year watering is no longer required


September 30 Back Container Garden and More

 time to clear out the tomatoes .....

and that's a wrap

again, unseasonably warm weather ....... thought it a good time to clean up my stored garlic and assorted tulips, etc. saved from the spring;  large gloves to the right are elephant garlic .... I would have liked to harvest these earlier, and mix of Georgian Fire and Norther Quebec Porcelain to the left ..... garlic bulbil heads in the white envelope

decided to leave Brad's Atomic Grape and Blood Moon tomatoes a few more days ...... the sweet peppers are still enjoying our extended summer weather; the emptied containers will soon hold an assortment of spring bulbs

Friday, October 14, 2022

September 27 Approaching October

still feels like summer ......

September 25 'R' Garden

another quick check in ,,,,,

September 25 Beds 10/11 and 64

a quick check in .....

radishes and arugula looking good in Bed 11

the spinach not so much - two rows resown today - unseasonably hot start to fall .....

a wee handful of Matilda pole beans

Tah Tsai front and centre looking the best in Bed 64

cosmidium just keeps on going

September 24 Home Again Home Again