Monday, November 14, 2022

November 12 Beds 10/11 and 64

just checked my notes - two months today since these beds were planted ..... really happy with scarlet mustard in front and mizuna behind in Bed 10 ...... 

my other favourite Tah Tsai at the front .... the Bau Sin to the right was a wee bit hot but has a lovely sweetness as well

November 8 Snow!!

snowiest November 8th in over 70 years!!!

November 2 'R' Garden

time to dig the dahlias ..... haven't had a proper frost, but didn't relish the thought of digging dahlias in the snow forecast ..........

and a few more gladiola
tubers look nice and clean - the stem should be cut to about two inches, but my secateurs were's quite up for the job ...... I do not wash my tubers, just let the soil dry off;  they will be divided in the spring

dahlias cleared away, now time for some leaf mulch
radicchio still growing, but no heads yet visible
next year I will start my winter kale earlier ...... not enough to pick over the winter, but spring may provide some tender leaves
and away we go ........ five very large dahlia clumps transported in large brown bags ...... 
and one last lovely bouquet to enjoy

Sunday, November 13, 2022

October 31 Happy Hallowe'en


October 28 Vanier Park

 A fall walk in the park ...... nice to see some green after our long drought 

October 20 Beds 10/11 and 64

the Tah Tsai is thriving ...... and fingers crossed for fresh bean seed

scarlet frills mustard loving this weather along with the mizuna

still hoping for watermelon radish, but no bulb forming yet ....


October 20 Back Container Garden

wonderful fall weather continues ...... perfect day for bulb planting ..... mostly tulips in containers this year, as my daffodils failed to grow due to late freeze last year ... included in the mix are Princess Irene, Amber Glow, Shogun and mini botanical tulips ..... I included a few narcissi Minnow to see how they fare

an aster for planting out and the mesclun mix growing well ...... I love violas ..... they will survive the winter, provide some nice colour now and again early next year

October 19 'R' Garden


not much but arugula doing well in this planting
baby kale
dahlias continue to look beautiful
hope for some mature seed
multi seemed broccoli is gone ...... covered in aphids and bitter ..... beans starting to wind down ... a few small kale babies in front