Monday, May 22, 2023

May 18 Beds 10, 11 and 64

these beans need to be transplanted ....... will be interesting to see how they fare ........ extremely hot out there today, but they have been hardened off 

Ethiopian kale - a type of mustard - loving this weather

one of the Lilibet tomatoes in Bed 64 .... this is Lilibet #3

beans are in, and to the right Lilibet #8

Bed 10 Lilibet, left #6, centre #2 and right #5

and Bed 11, beans looking happy and three more Lilibet from left to right:  #4, #7 and #1 (large green plant is overwintered miner's lettuce)

May 18 Back Forty Focus on Tomatoes and Peppers

overview ..... one of these things is not like the others!! 

rose and lilies starting to bud up

Zolotistyi pepper, Pink Berkeley Tie Dye tomato, Tangerine Dream pepper, Dwarf Harmonic Convergence tomato and Zolotistyi pepper  (left to right)

Blood Moon tomato, Between the Lines Collage pepper, Dwarf Sara's Olalla Emerald tomato, Ajvarski pepper

Lucky Tiger tomato, Between the Lines Collage pepper and Tatjiana tomato

Tatjiana tomato (repeat), Ajvarski pepper, Rebel Starfighter Prime (Galactica original seed source) this plant is tall and already has flowers, Tangerine Dream pepper and a purchased eggplant "Nadia F1"

close up of Nadia ....... this container was for Monomakh's Hat, but it was not a healthy plant, and was discarded

closeup of Between the Lines Collage - a variegated pepper with interesting variegated leaves

May 18 'R' Garden

update from 'R' Garden ....... purchased this yellow zucchini "Buckingham" ...... neighbour shared yellow zucchini last year ....... made great zoodles 

hopefully enough room for expansion ..... the radicchio to the right may stay or go ........ like the blue flowers

here's a volunteer potato ...... maybe "Amorosa" it has been a few years, but potatoes keep showing up

dahlias putting on good growth

in the green .......

and more dahlias ......

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

May 16 Bed 107

time for another quick trip to Bed 107 to keep the seedlings watered in the heat ......

sprinkled a few Cosmidium seeds at the front of the bed ....... 

the Jade Spring Pac Choi has already gone to flower ..... not our typical spring weather here on the coast

notice the erratic growth of the lettuce ....... and with this heat, I doubt the radishes will provide much of a harvest

May 16 Rare Bush Beans

received a small pack of these very rare bush beans in a larger trade earlier this year ....... decided to start them indoors ...... but now time to get them hardened off and planted out in a few days .....


May 15 Weather Update

looks like a pretty amazing week for May, here on the coast .......  even the lows are much above seasonal average

May 14 Beds 10, 11 and 64

Ethiopian kale loving the heat ....  

Gai Lan almost ready to harvest

perhaps almost time to rethink my space allocation ..... I have a lot of plants that need a forever home ..... a few cakes might work well and a few more beans .....

May 14 'R' Garden

early morning visit to 'R' garden .......... and I have shoots showing on all five dahlias ...... happy dance

sowed a few Matilda pole beans .......... my Jennings sown indoors are a no show thus far ......

dahlias shoots

I'm thinking a yellow zucchini in the empty space below ......

potatoes just keep showing up in my garden ..... will see if these provide a harvest

overview, with the kales in flower

May 12 Back Forty

waiting for the dahlias to show .....

this garden gets morning sun only, and with this heat, the plants seem happy

strawberries finally starting to take off

and the tomatoes have blossoms already!!

time to harden off the sweet peppers and take advantage of the warm evenings ....


May 12 Bed 107

Bed 107 is progressing slowly ..... not terribly happy with the soil mix ........ seems to be nitrogen deficient .... the soil also drys out really fast on the top inch or so, but my moisture metre indicates very wet when inserted to its full depth ...... this bed is in need of some good compost ....... will see if I have any to spare after getting all my planted potted up; the two strawberry plants at lower right have put on very little growth since being planted

these plant trays will provide a wee bit of shade for the small plants during this heat wave ......

Sunday, May 14, 2023

May 11 Beds 10, 11 and 64

out is comes ..... 

ah, that it more like it ..... but couldn't bear to part with the miner's lettuce yet

space ....... hmm, what to plant ....... decided on Masai bush beans ...... just four seeds, as they do get to be good sized plants
Bed 64 all cleared out of mustards ... 
Ethiopian Kale
Gai Lan