these beans need to be transplanted ....... will be interesting to see how they fare ........ extremely hot out there today, but they have been hardened off
Ethiopian kale - a type of mustard - loving this weatherMonday, May 22, 2023
May 18 Beds 10, 11 and 64
May 18 Back Forty Focus on Tomatoes and Peppers
overview ..... one of these things is not like the others!!
May 18 'R' Garden
update from 'R' Garden ....... purchased this yellow zucchini "Buckingham" ...... neighbour shared yellow zucchini last year ....... made great zoodles
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
May 16 Bed 107
time for another quick trip to Bed 107 to keep the seedlings watered in the heat ......
sprinkled a few Cosmidium seeds at the front of the bed .......
May 16 Rare Bush Beans
received a small pack of these very rare bush beans in a larger trade earlier this year ....... decided to start them indoors ...... but now time to get them hardened off and planted out in a few days .....
May 15 Weather Update
looks like a pretty amazing week for May, here on the coast ....... even the lows are much above seasonal average
May 14 Beds 10, 11 and 64
Ethiopian kale loving the heat ....
May 14 'R' Garden
early morning visit to 'R' garden .......... and I have shoots showing on all five dahlias ...... happy dance
sowed a few Matilda pole beans .......... my Jennings sown indoors are a no show thus far ......
May 12 Back Forty
May 12 Bed 107
Bed 107 is progressing slowly ..... not terribly happy with the soil mix ........ seems to be nitrogen deficient .... the soil also drys out really fast on the top inch or so, but my moisture metre indicates very wet when inserted to its full depth ...... this bed is in need of some good compost ....... will see if I have any to spare after getting all my planted potted up; the two strawberry plants at lower right have put on very little growth since being planted
Sunday, May 14, 2023
May 11 Beds 10, 11 and 64
out is comes .....
Bed 64 all cleared out of mustards ...
Ethiopian Kale
Gai Lan