Saturday, July 29, 2023

July 13 early tomato harvest

don't recall every having tomatoes before July 15th ........... here are two:  Chocolate Sprinkles F1 and Tatjiana 

and just because ......

July 13 'R' Garden

what a lovely surprise - lots of baby potatoes to harvest ...... these keep coming back every year!!  also a nice haul of greens peas, beans and a zucchini, along with a lovely dahlia bouquet

nice clean spuds - this garden grows good potatoes

overview - after picking my dahlias ...... the more you pick, the more you get!!

sunflowers "Firecracker" are coming along - seeded indoors rather late, so should be perfect by August ....

cabbage not thriving - I've let them dry out once too often - more compost needed

July 10 Beds 10, 11 and 64

Lilibet 6 - love the shape, but the plant is too out of control to continue with this line, unless of course the taste is extra special

Masai bush beans ...... only two plants, and many handfuls of beans to harvest .... one of my favourites - no strings and tasty

overview Beds 10 and 11

and back view

really like this tomato's plant shape (Lilibet 7)  a true dwarf with a good crop of fruit .... now just awaiting the taste test 

and a close-up of its fruit - no true heart shape here, but the stripes remain

Bed 64 ....... both Lilibet plants 3 and 8 setting some good sized fruit

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

July 9 'R' Garden all about Dahlias and more

what a beauty - Red Ryder .... although the aphids and ants are enjoying it too

Fidalgo Julie

here comes the sun ...... Dazzling Sun

Firecracker Sunflowers, transplanted from seed

garden harvest

and bouquet

dried flowers on succulents removed ,,,,,, back to green

more zucchini ready to go .......


July 8 Garden Bed 107

well, at least the beans are managing to grow ....... these are Red Swan and have been supplemented with some of my compost

July 8 A Neighbourhood Walk

not my garden, but just amazing ..... lettuce or mustard planted along with tomatoes in containers ..... and check out the rest of the containers!!  

cool and refreshing

July 5 Back Forty

dahlias, blueberry and dwarf sunflowers from seed (Firecracker) in back garden 

not happy with the look of the Rebel Starfighter Prime (2nd from left), while drooping is expected, leaf issues are showing on both plants from different sources
Emerald Tower basil loving this weather and Tithonia finally reaching for the sky ..... a little too much sun here for the fuchsias to thrive

love Hollyhocks, but just covered with beetles and rust ......

as good as it gets ........ soon the yellowing, etc. will begin; I didn't expect the eggplant to reach such an enormous size .....

July 4 Beds 10, 11 and 64

 Bed 64 slowly starting to fill in ... beans, cukes and tomatoes

Masai beans and Emily basil squeezed into Bed 10 with three Lilibet tomato plants

more beans with tomatoes in Bed 11

this is the plant I'm hoping with have great taste ..... size and shape appeal to me .... a dwarf ...
and a close-up of its fruit - Lilibet 7

Lilibet 5
and a close-up of its fruit - productive

the gangly one - Lilibet 6
does have nice shaped fruit though

July 4 'R' Garden

Dahlias are budding up ....... here's Red Ryder - from Vancouver Dahlia Society sale ...... 

and Dazzling Sun ...... this one I've had for a number of years ..... always the strongest tubers

dahlias and lettuce enjoying the garden ....... still getting good pickings from the multi-sown lettuce bunches

beans being their climb and radicchio with its lovely sky blue flowers

zucchini, peas and lettuce


hope to save seeds from the 'pink with darker back petals' calendula