Yellow Brick Road - meaty with sweet flavour - not as much tang for balance TASTE oops missed this
Growing Tomatoes On The Wet Coast
Yellow Brick Road - meaty with sweet flavour - not as much tang for balance TASTE oops missed this
sliceddecided to given Garden 107 one more chance ....... removed all plants apart from beans, added a fresh topping of soil and scatter planted seeds hopefully for fall cut and come again .... this garden seems to grow beans well, so also planted a few yellows ...... the Red Swan will be kept for seed saving ........ also trying out a Spanish unnamed tomato donated by a neighbour
Yellow Brick Road
Lilibet 4 - clear skin, pink with gold stripe - good balanced flavour, perhaps a bit overripe TASTE: 8
slicedtiny green shoot is very special ....... dahlia tuber given to me by special friend ....... was getting eaten to a nub for months in the garden....... moved to a container - now finally - its alive 😁
not bad for no water for almost a week ........ wasn't too sure about my dahlia selections ...... took what was left at the VDS sale, but they do seem to complement each other ...... and of course the giant zucchini