Wednesday, December 25, 2024

December 25 Merry Christmas!!


December 23 A Wander Down to the Creek


December 17 Rainy Day at the Quay

couldn't get much wetter .......

December 12 Downtown

getting in the mood for Christmas ......  Fleurs de Villes and Gingerbread Lane

Monday, December 9, 2024

Sunday, December 8, 2024

December 4 'R' Garden

we've had our first hard frost ....... time for a garden check in

in need of a garden clean up ... calendula have self sown all around the borders

Mizuna still lovely and green .... although I don't make much use of it

last year I left all the dahlia tubers in ground and they survived just fine ...... unlike my home garden ..... but I did decide to dig one clump as I have two Dazzling Sun ..... these tubers will be hosed off and stored using the new to me plastic wrap method

looking much better, bean and tomato remains cleared from my trellis and pathway weeds/volunteers cleared away

I've run out of leaves for mulch ....... a few chard and sweet alyssum were allowed to stay

December 3 Jericho Beach and Spanish Banks

reports of California Sea Lions ...... thought we'd check it out

ah, have a close look ....... Sea Lion on board!!

November 29 Snowy Owl and Microgreens

spotted in a nearby tree .....

thought I'd start a few ...... 

Saturday, December 7, 2024

November 27 Digging Dahlia Tubers - Back Forty

trying something new to me this year ........ I'm digging my back forty tubers because they all rotted in the garden last year ........ these have been rinsed off with the hose and will be taken indoor for a very short dry, then divided ...... after dividing, the tubers are given a light dusting of powdered sulphur then wrapped in plastic wrap ......... many people have had positive outcomes in recent times with this method ..... will it work for me ..... time will tell;  the important part is not to wrap when tubers are too damp, but don't let them start to dry out

seedling fir, discovered in back secret garden ..... likely from one of my collected pine cones .....

hoping for a few Loganberries next season

more dahlia tubers .... so many shapes, sizes and colours

November 14 Bulbs are In

getting colder at night ..... time for bulb planting .... with a protective leaf cover ....... only did tulips and one Fritillaria this year ...... haven't had much luck with daffodils in containers the last few years;  

last year these tulips were amazing ...... thought I'd go for the same varieties this year ......   "Sun Lover" and "Yellow Pomponette"

enjoyed last year's Fritillaria ...... this year trying out "Rubra Maxima"

not many flowering plants left ..... fuchsias still blooming

and some late sown lettuce mix

November 11 Vanier Park

ducks like rain  :-)