Monday, May 25, 2020

May 4 Beds 10/11 and 64

Time to plant out the tomatoes and here are my six Worry F3 plants from the Dwarf Tomato Project;  I usually harden off  my plants for a few days prior to plant out, but weather seems good, slightly overcast ....... time will tell; added a tablespoon or so of Gaia Green 4-4-4 in each planting hole ....

Bed 11 - these are dwarf plants, and I hope 13 sq. ft. will be sufficient spacing  

Bed 10 is really starting to take off, the Hong Vit almost ready to pick!! and I'm so happy with the Scallions, usually I have a hard time with these

my first harvest of the year, happy dance ....... from Bed 64; radishes were lovely clean and mild

End of April

still social distancing and enjoying longer and longer walks around our neighbourhood ....... the Dandelions have seed heads already!!

and I promise this will be my last cherry tree photo of the year, but just so lovely

Apr 29 R Garden

a quick look at R Garden ...... this soil still needs so much work ....... but the succulents are loving it!  Many barriers are also needed as the surrounding park is used by many with off leash dogs

a view of the far end with my Canadian Red Rhubarb not looking terribly red??  Rather hard to see, but there is a small blueberry bush being overtaken by a potato I missed and between these two plants my Citizen Seed Trial kale - I'll post closeups in a few weeks ......  also a few wee spouts of mustard mixed with a few weeds

and three Yukon Gold potatoes looking healthy amongst the leaves and a lone strawberry in bloom lower right

Apr 29 Beds 10/11 and 64

An update on my gas station garden raised beds ......

Bed 64 - radishes transplanted from Bed 10; I really like planting these in groups of 3 or 4, thanks to Charles Dowding, a nice bunch in one handful - the small red lettuce to the right is Salanova started from seed, red sweet crisp from Johnny's Selected Seeds ....

Bed 10 replanted (from right to left) on April 4 with Hong Vit radish leaf (new to me), and on April 9 with Pac Choi "Toy Choi", Pac Choi "Ching Chang", Scallions and Lettuce Blend

here's Bed 11 currently filled with Buckwheat, a cover crop that will be turned into the soil in a few weeks to improve tilth and organic matter

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Apr 25 Back Garden

More photos from late April - here is the back garden, and the Fioretto 60 sweet sprouting cauliflower .... I've ringed the baby plants with crushed sea shells which will hopefully deter the slugs ....

and an overview, with the perennial chives front and centre and kale going to flower in the back square

Apr 25 Falling Petals

The late flowering cherries are now losing their petals - the walk under these trees was like walking in gently falling pink snow - just beautiful

and the tulips will soon drop their petals as well ........ which is a good thing, because it is time to starting thinking about preparing these containers for tomatoes ...... I love their colour variations as they age and the way they pick up the colour of the Ruby Chard stems

Apr 23 Seedling Progress

And another look at the seedlings, with the addition of Scallopini Squash, Astia Zucchini and Beit Alpha Cucumber .......

Apr 21 Citizen Seed Trial

Well, it seems I didn't have enough to sow, so I signed up for the 2020 Citizen Seed Trial, wherein various varieties are compared to each other ......  I opted for the Kale and Tomato trials, and the candidates for comparison are:

Kale:  Winter Rainbow (BCESC) vs. Dazzling Blue (Upr19)
Tomatoes:  Soleil (FFCF) vs. 5751 (Mexico Midget x Summertime Green)

exciting, as 5751 is from the Dwarf Tomato Project!!

Seed started on April 1, and here they are on April 21

Apr 15 Tomato Update

Time to transplant tomatoes - here they are on April 15

and an update on the back container garden - two of the containers planted with tulips and daffodils last fall are looking quite lovely .... violas overwintered