Monday, May 25, 2020

Apr 29 Beds 10/11 and 64

An update on my gas station garden raised beds ......

Bed 64 - radishes transplanted from Bed 10; I really like planting these in groups of 3 or 4, thanks to Charles Dowding, a nice bunch in one handful - the small red lettuce to the right is Salanova started from seed, red sweet crisp from Johnny's Selected Seeds ....

Bed 10 replanted (from right to left) on April 4 with Hong Vit radish leaf (new to me), and on April 9 with Pac Choi "Toy Choi", Pac Choi "Ching Chang", Scallions and Lettuce Blend

here's Bed 11 currently filled with Buckwheat, a cover crop that will be turned into the soil in a few weeks to improve tilth and organic matter

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