Monday, June 28, 2021

June 23 Back Container Garden

heading toward the end of June - this is usually when my tomatoes start to lose their deep green colour ..... and the weather forecast ahead is for HOT!  asked our gardeners for the lawn clippings to mulch my container tomatoes and peppers ...

each container was side dressed with Gaia Green 444 and the covered with grass clippings .... with the stem exposed; I also cleaned away some of the bottom tomato branches and both Apero F1 and Russian Mini Yellow were tip pruned to keep the plants in check - always leave a leaf above a blossom cluster 

Brad's Atomic Grape (the really tall droopy plant) has not yet been tip pruned, but it is rather taking over it's neighbours

Sunday, June 27, 2021

June 22 Back 40

Lots happening out back .......

my dark leafed dahlia (grown from seed last year and overwintered as a tuber) has some lovely orange buds starting to show

this will be interesting - my (not) Loxton Lad has set a fair number of fruit!!

the white from my Canada Day lily combo has a decided to bloom a week early ..... 

self seeded poppies - I was sure I scattered purple/mauve seed?  

I am liking green bush beans in 2 gallon pots - this one is "Masai" just starting to show some tiny beans

the best till last - my Donkey Ears sweet pepper already has fruit set!

June 22 More from Beds 10/11 and 64

A few more pics from the gas station garden - I seem to have missed Summer Solstice photos - June 20th -  it is now officially summer!!

plants looking a bit greener in Bed 64 - although my two zucchini plants are not putting on much growth (hiding behind the green bush beans)

June 19 Back Container Garden

I'm liking the look of my tomatoes and peppers so far this year - already have noticed a few wee peppers!! and almost every tomato plant has set fruit .....

June 19 Beds 10/11 and 64

Time to fill in the blanks in Bed 64 ....... sowing more Tah Tsai ..... can be grown spring through fall - a new to me green this year - adds a nice depth to salads

tomatoes still struggling in Bed 64 - Deer Tongue and Salanova red crisp lettuce have been providing great salad greens - these can be cut and they will regrow .... I am not getting much use out of my mixed greens row ....

Citizen Seed Trial beets are progressing - albeit slowly

Breen romaine lettuce starting to reach for the sky - but the flavour is still good - nasturtiums putting out a lot of green growth - they prefer a leaner soil for more flowers less foliage ...... Hong Vit Leaf Radish planted in bare spot below

I can see why this Nasturtium mix is called "Bloody Mary" interesting -  also, two colours on one plant!  

and more ........ Bed 11

Bed 10 peas are heading over the side - but still supported by the branches inserted earlier - they were noted as growing 2 feet!!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

June 17 Back to "R" Garden

 Just a quick tour ........

The Rhubarb

PPP x PP "C" tomato 2nd plant - space made after harvest of volunteer potatoes

Swiss chard - thought the colour might look good with the Dahlias ..... and nice for late fall as well

Dahlias are getting some nice large buds ..... and more volunteer potatoes to the right of the poppies

the surprise package - I think these are Prince of Orange potatoes - originally planted 3 years ago!!

June 17 Off for a Walk

 away from the garden for a bit .......... Summer is almost here!!

June 14 Beds 10/11 and 64 Update

 Love the colours ....... last of the Easter Egg II mix

Nasturtiums starting to flower and Breen lettuce needs picking now - tomatoes in photo were not planted here - taken back to home garden

peas were supposed to be 2 feet high!! not sure if this is mixed seed as pods are tough, and don't seem to be edible - 

Citizen Seed Trial beets showing some interesting colour variations ...... I will not thin these - Charles Dowding does his in groups:  Beets

and a pic of Bed 64 - also time to harvest the Deer Tongue lettuce (lower left) the two tomatoes are growing slowly, but seem to lack nutrients 

"Masai" bush beans now getting a better green colour, but the two zucchini look a little sun damaged

June 14 Back Container Garden

Well, of course I am trying to squeeze in more plants than really fit - will see how that goes ..... also - the PL tomato on far right is the PPP x PP "C" that struggled to sprout and grow - fingers crossed for a few fruit to save seed from

and a pink flowered strawberry ........

and my first green bush bean of the season - "Masai" three plants, each in a 2 gallon container

June 13 Time to Start Fall Veggies

Just when I thought I'd finished with indoor seedlings ....... it is that time again!!  Love Brussels sprouts but never have much luck with them ...... also, I've grown to appreciate radicchio of late - and thought this one was especially beautiful

Friday, June 11, 2021

June 11 "R" Garden


Dwarf Mr. Snow X Dwarf Mocha's Plum F1

bamboo teepees installed on two larger tomatoes

another view

volunteer potatoes beginning to flower

June 9 Queen Elizabeth Park

 Beautiful rose garden

highest elevation in Vancouver

June 8 Back Yard Update and More

Self seeded poppy and peony ...

finally in its forever home PPP x PP "C"

interesting buds on the Dwarf Mr. Snow x Dwarf Mocha Plum - my smallest plant

couldn't resist posting this - lots of laneway houses in our neighbourhood and most take little care with the "required"? laneway greenery - this was a beautiful exception to my eye

June 8 Bed 10/11 and 64

Time to clear out the mustards to make room for the expanding tomatoes .... scallions are sizing up and a wee bit of arugula in bottom right corner to finish off all the salads

Kits Find tomato rather lost in a sea of Breen

wow - Amish Deer Tongue lettuce growing fast!!

good to see the lady bugs - this one was fascinating opening and closing its very large delicate wings ..... who knew!!