Sunday, June 27, 2021

June 19 Beds 10/11 and 64

Time to fill in the blanks in Bed 64 ....... sowing more Tah Tsai ..... can be grown spring through fall - a new to me green this year - adds a nice depth to salads

tomatoes still struggling in Bed 64 - Deer Tongue and Salanova red crisp lettuce have been providing great salad greens - these can be cut and they will regrow .... I am not getting much use out of my mixed greens row ....

Citizen Seed Trial beets are progressing - albeit slowly

Breen romaine lettuce starting to reach for the sky - but the flavour is still good - nasturtiums putting out a lot of green growth - they prefer a leaner soil for more flowers less foliage ...... Hong Vit Leaf Radish planted in bare spot below

I can see why this Nasturtium mix is called "Bloody Mary" interesting -  also, two colours on one plant!  

and more ........ Bed 11

Bed 10 peas are heading over the side - but still supported by the branches inserted earlier - they were noted as growing 2 feet!!

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