Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 7 'R' Garden

not a lot happening at "R" garden, the weather has been unseasonably cold .... but the succulents are loving it!  so happy with my strawberry pot .... 

volunteer potatoes - they seem to appear every year - have no idea which variety - perhaps Yukon Gold?

rhubarb taking over the back half of the garden ... although I notice the stalks are rather spindly .... 

chard, overwintered from seed started last year ...... this is the most amazing colour ..... I'm not a big chard fan for eating, but they do make a nice colour addition to the garden

my Santee sprouting broccoli is about done ..... just too many sprouts to eat .... I may leave this to flower for the bees, but bush beans will be seeded as soon as the weather warms ....

succulent close-up 

small rhubarb harvest, to be frozen until strawberries are ready

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