always amazes me how these trees can remain standing for so long without any obvious roots .......
Granville Island pondSunday, May 26, 2024
May 23 Walk to Granville Island After Wind Storm
May 17 'R' Garden - A Few Tomatoes
this garden in the past hasn't done well for tomatoes, but had to put them somewhere now my Beds 10, 11 and 64 are on borrowed time ....... so made room for three tomatoes at 'R' Garden ...... Lilibet 5 to the left and Lilly T-23 on the right; will be hard to compare these grow-outs in such different situations ..... an interesting experiment
overviewvolunteer potato taking over
May 15 What Tomatoes Did I Plant
a quick overview:
Chupa Chups: Indeterminate, Regular leaf, Mid season; multi coloured golden-yellow flesh marbled with red centre and antho black shoulders; averaging 280g; sweet, intense and flavourful
BrandyFred (dwarf tomato project): Dwarf, rugose Potato leaf; fruits are purple with darker shoulders, slightly ribbed around 150-300g; deep, rich, smokey flavour; cross between 'Dwarf Wild Fred' and 'Brandywine', named by Vince Lavallo in 2008
Midnight Sun: Indeterminate, Potato leaf; heart-shaped golden-yellow-orange beefsteaf around 200-400g; rich and meaty firm fruits with pink marbling; cross between ‘Ludmilla’s Pink Heart’ and ‘Captain Lucky’, from the True North project, bred by Karen Olivier (Northern Gardener)
Yellow Brick Road: Dwarf, rugose Regular leaf; mini yellow on yellow striped beefsteaks around 50g, on beautiful, productive and sturdy 20” dwarf plants; part of the “Wizard of Oz” series from the Short and Sweet project, bred by Karen Olivier
Lilibet F5 plant (Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart): Indeterminate, Regular Leaf (2) and Potato leaf (1); these plants are now F5 and still segregating leaf forms; yellow flesh with clear skin should be stable, nice texture very meaty and juicy, around 300g; good flavour balance
Lilly 5 plant – T23-68 from NCTomatoman (Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart): Dwarf, Regular Leaf; these plants are now F5; avidly flowering plants that produced medium to large pink hearts with gold stripes, with a nice meaty texture and excellent flavour
Lucky Tiger: Indeterminate, delicate Regular leaf; early mid-season; Fred Hempel crossed his Green Tiger with Blush; introduced in 2013; taste described as "full-fledged, spicy, sweet and complex" with tropical notes and nicely balanced acidity; multi-colored, striped, green-red-yellow plums in long clusters, weighing 20-40g with green gel; resistant to fungal diseases
Atomic Sunset: Indeterminate, Regular leaf; Midseason; a cross by Brad Gates containing genetics of his Brad’s Atomic Grape; elongated bicoloured stripped cherry tomato; flavour is well balanced and juicy with citrus notes; can hang on the vine for weeks while fully ripened; production can be excellent; fruit average about 50g
Green Krim Cherry: Indeterminate, Regular leaf, midseason; off type from Black Krim Cherry (from FusionPower) found by Tatiana in 2015; light green fruit with darker shoulder, with a faint pink blush at the end when the fruit is fully ripe; sweet, juicy with a spicy touch; large 30-50g cherry tomatoes; high yields
Heart’s Delite Black: Compact Indeterminate, Regular leaf, midseason; brown /black oblate medium beefsteak slicer - some with green shoulders, 200-400g; juicy, green gel around seeds; some minor concentric cracking/scars; delicious rich flavour
Wentzell: Indeterminate, Potato leaf, early short season beefsteak adapted to northern climates ; South Shore, Nova Scotia heirloom; presumed to be a strain of Pink Brandywine, the Wentzell family (who were settlers of what is now Windhorse Farm in Lunenburg County) saved seeds from the earliest ripening fruits for half a century; dense, meaty and awesome for sandwiches
Orange Russian (Doukhobors): Indeterminate, Regular leaf, midseason; 100-150g yellow oblate fruit with green shoulders; some radial cracking; very good mild acidic taste, juicy; Very high yields
Moonlight Mile: Indeterminate (medium size bush), Regular variegated leaf, midseason; 50-80g; bred by Blane Horton; a cross between Karson’s First (a striped Roma tomato) and Faelans First Snow (a purple flattened and round tomato); released in 2019; flower stalks are white with thin green stripes; 4-5 fruits per truss with plum-shaped fruit with elongated pointed tips or round heart-shaped fruits; dark crimson with dark green stripes; sweet with a bright and intense flavour
Rose Quartz: Indeterminate, Regular leaf, early; small round, rose-colored cherry fruits have clear skin with characteristic white flecks; outstanding flavour - very sweet, juicy, distinctive and addictive; origin likely traces to Japanese F1 Sweet Rose Quartz .... this is not the multiflora strain
Crushed Heart: Indeterminate, Regular wispy leaf, mid-season; from Brad Gates, Wild Boar Farm; medium to large fruit 100-300g; super heart shaped and very meaty with a rich, semi-sweet flavour; rose-pink with green stripes; like all anthocyanin tomatoes, the more light, the darker the colour splashes; very good production
May 14 and 15 Back 40 ..... Tomatoes and Dahlias are In
Tomatoes hardened off and containers all prepped for transplant ....
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
May 13 'R' Garden
as the close date for Beds 10, 11 and 64 is unknown, thought I'd transplant some lettuce into 'R' garden .... these were planted in bunches ..... worked well last year
May 12 Beds 10, 11 and 64
Whoa ....... good grief ....... not sure what the upkeep is at this soon to be retired garden ...... but there is self-sown corn salad everywhere!!