Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May 13 'R' Garden

as the close date for Beds 10, 11 and 64 is unknown, thought I'd transplant some lettuce into 'R' garden .... these were planted in bunches ..... worked well last year

volunteer potato and garlic looking good

time to plant beans ..... Jennings Pole Beans, somewhat rare, flat green pod with tasty beans; seed saved from last year

happy all my dahlias at this garden have survived the winter ....... but will they survive the slugs ........ also notice the gladiola in the back ...... these also overwintered and a self-seeded calendula near the dahlia stake

overview, kale has been removed to make room for lettuce, and in a bit a few tomato plants

more lettuce planted amongst the garlic

6 beans planted, now we wait

potatoes are poking up

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