Saturday, November 9, 2024

June 24 'R' Garden

 Checking in ........

time to transplant Jennings Pole Beans and  sunflowers

bee-friendly calendula ..... self sown starting to bloom and the dahlias are making their way up the supports ..... time to tie these in (which I failed to do)
overview ...... succulent strawberry pot looks amazing
and my Lillian cross grow outs ....... Lily T23-68 on the left (from NCTomatoman) and my growout Lilibet to the right; this garden does not grow good tomatoes, but I was desperate for space to trial a few more plants; both appear to be dwarf ...... unexpected bonus for my Lilibet, so it appears there is still segregation happening
and a closer look at the dahlias .... plant at lower left with large leaves is Dazzling Sun .... one of my favourites, and early as well

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