Wednesday, August 25, 2021
August 21 Beds 10/11
Beets just didn't size up, but there were a few worth saving
and the colours were amazingMonday, August 23, 2021
August 21 Bed 64
First up Bed 64: hadn't been to the garden for five days - and look at the tomato harvest - Russian Black Pear (not looking terribly black) and Fred's Tie Dye (stripes) - was amazed no two or four legged critters had helped themselves!!
August 20 One of These Things is Not Like the Other
Couldn't resist posting a pic of this lovely rose - not mine - but I walk by the plant often - always looks beautiful with a wonderful scent
now back to tomatoes - another batch for roasted tomato sauce
August 19 Back Garden
Time to tidy the back 40 ... more tomatoes harvested, diseased leaves removed and a good watering - the 1 gallon containers planted a few weeks back were rather waterlogged and nothing was growing, so they were emptied into the compost bin ....
August 18 Tomatoes
Too many tomatoes, time to start preserving; my preferred method is to cut up and roast an assortment of tomatoes (usually what is the ripest) along with onion and my sweet peppers ... then blend in food processor and freeze - great starter for winter soups and pasta sauce
but first - here is Russian Black Pear - so glad to get fresh seed for the one - again nothing too special in taste, but good for salads, etc.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
August 18 "R" Garden
Time to make room for the fall veggie starts - Russian Mini Yellow and Apero were removed as they were almost done ...
from l - r: Santee, Brokali and Bussels Sprouts
Dwarf Mocha's Plum x Dwarf Mr. Snow ....
Dr. Henry Cosmos mix and Dahlias doing their thing - the rhubarb gets smaller with each garden visit
and the Overview
August 17 More Tomato Pics
Loxton Lad (yellow) and Muddy Mamba sliced- unfortunately neither of these tomatoes had a lot of flavour - rather bland - perhaps overwatered - the Muddy Mamba could have used a few more days to ripen
Monday, August 16, 2021
August 13 All About Tomatoes
Well, this is what I hoped for way back in February when deciding on my tomato grow lists ...... two plates of Apero F1 grape tomatoes and a heaping plate of Bundaberg Rumball (dwarf tomato project), along with some yummy ripe Donkey Ears sweet peppers
August 12 Back Garden
Here comes another heat wave - plants still looking good for mid August - I think the vermiculite in the soil and the grass clippings mulch is helping with soil moisture retention
August 12 Beds 10/11 and 64
Beds are slowing being cleared out to make space for the fall veggies ......