Sunday, August 8, 2021

July 30 Tomato Time

It's the most wonderful time of the year 😁

Here's Fred's Tie Dye just starting to blush; I am picking my tomatoes before full colour to keep critters (two legged, four legged and six legged) at bay .... I have read the flavour will be as good as vine ripened

an assortment of Russian Mini Yellow (the tomato that keeps on giving), Apero F1 (red) and KARMA Miracle

Fred's Tie Tie - the plant - staying healthy so far ..... assorted sweet peppers in front

another mini harvest ... Adam F1 gherkin, everbearing strawberries, snow peas and tomatoes

Tomatoes from 1 o'clock:  Loxton Ladd (pink cross), KARMA Miracle, Tasmanian Chocolate (with stinkbug damage I believe), Brad's Atomic Grape, Apero F1, Russian Mini Yellow and in the centre Fred's Tie Dye

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