Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 19 - Closer Look at Potted Tomatoes

Here's a closer look (l-r) at my nine potted tomatoes (with peppers in front):

GGWT, Saluteus F4, Cherry Roma

Heart's Delite Black m/s, Adelaide Festival, Red Dawn

Worry F4, Heart's Delite Black o/s, KARMA Pink

May 9 Peppers Go Outside

The amazing weather continues .... time to harden off the peppers

and a quick look at the potted tomatoes

May 5 Plot 5

The greening of Plot 5 begins .... potatoes, peas, onions, mesclun mix, tomatoes and a selection of brassicas:  Brokali, Ethiopian Kale and Caraflex cabbage

My Patriot blueberry is not happy - I think it may be poor drainage .....

May 1 Time to Harden Off the Tomatoes

The weather has been most cooperative of late, and the tomatoes are in need of a bigger home ..... so outside they go to harden off

April 29 Tomato Transplant Update

Amazing growth in just under three weeks ......

starting with the Dwarf tomatoes, from l-r:  Worry F4, Adelaide Festival, Saluteus F4 (my own named grow out from Scary) and another Worry F4

Fuego Verde, Cherry Roma, GGWT and another Cherry Roma

Heart's Delite Black (my favourite last year)
KARMA Pink, Red Dawn (rather rare English variety, from 2001 seed), Fuego Verge and one more KARMA Pink

And my peppers - I only wanted four - have no idea why I planted so many.  Four varieties:  Melrose, Donkey Ears, Lunch Box Red and Zolotistyi

Also note the two micro tomatoes in lower right hand corner started way back in December!!

April 11 Tomato Transplant Time

Time to transplant the tomato babies ...... check out the leaf size on the KARMA Pinks on the left