Monday, December 31, 2018

December 25 Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night ........

December 10 Colour in the Garden

Van Dusen Botancial Garden ........ the Cypress Pond

November 19 Plot 5

A few last pics from Plot 5 in 2018 ...... self-seeded lettuce is still producing an edible crop ........ alyssum still providing food for the bees;  will see how the other greens fare over winter

November 19 Change of Pace

The crab sculpture at Vancouver’s MacMillan Space Centre is one of the most photographed works of art in British Columbia

Sunday, December 30, 2018

September 23 Plot 5 Revisited

Yummy fresh salad provided courtesy of Plot 5 - lettuce self-seeded - a nice crispy leaf that has yet to get bitter - along with cucumber, radish, Brokali and KARMA Pink tomatoes

September 23 Final Back 40 Update

well, that was bad timing - camera melt down for the last month!!  so new camera for final pics of what remains in the back 40 - heading into October and the final pick

containers are not empty for long - these are various fall/winter mesclun salad mixes

these eggplant will be for seed saving - didn't make much use of the harvest this year

August 23 Plants Looking Tired

Not sure what is virus related and what is nutrition related, but plants have definitely seen better days ...... every blossom on Girl, Girl's Weird Thing (far left plant) aborted and the leaves took on a dark bronze colour

also an interesting observation with the Zolotistyi sweet peppers ..... fruit presented in two variations - plant on left had fruit pointing upward, was earlier and more prolific; plant on right had downward facing fruit, more bell shaped, less production and BER noted - I saved seed only from plant on the left .....
one more harvest pic ....... snow peas (provided an amazing crop), Brokali (just kept going and going all season), beans, basil, two experimental mini cherries and two Heart's Delite Black

Mid August Peppers and Worry F4

A few more ripe fruit pics ....... first up is Worry F4 again from the Dwarf Tomato Project (hopefully I will find my notes on taste, etc.)

and check out the ripe Donkey Ears and Zolotistyi sweet peppers - yummy

August 13 Plot 5

Major clean up of Plot 5 ...... and of course that means lots of new places to plant!!
Here's is my seeding list for today:

West Coast Seeds Mild Mesclun Blend
Renee's Garden Wine Country Mesclun
Renee's Garden Cut and Come Again Baby Mesclun Lettuces
West Coast Seeds Wa Wa Sai Sui Choi Cabbage
West Coast Seeds Ching Chiang Pac Choi
West Coast Seeds Alderman Shelling Peas
Renee's Garden Amazing Taste Cauliflower
Renee's Easter Egg II Radishes

also wanted to highlight a few remaining plants in my garden: Garlic Chives - I love this plant - comes back every year, a bee magnet and flowers add a wonderful mild garlic flavour to fresh salads; KARMA Pink tomato - this plant is much healthier than my container plant and was the last to provide tomatoes this season; and lots of cucumber plants - I believe these were "Salad Bush" - older seed so I sowed the package - of course they all germinated!!

and finally,  "Saluteus" PL from Dwarf Tomato Project, seed now at F5

August 7 Full Harvest Mode

Again, more pics from August 7th ....... here are a few variations on my harvest basket, with the addition of peppers, cucumbers for more colour

August 7 Container Tomatoes Close Up

Ripe tomatoes on all plants now - with the exception of Girl Girl's Weird Thing - and weird it was - not a single fruit!!?? Starting off with Saluteus, the others are labelled

August 7 Back 40 Overview

Here are the tomato and pepper plants first week of August ......

and a closeup of Donkey Ears (red) and Zolotistyi (orange) - amazing to have so many ripe peppers so early in the season

Morden Midget Eggplant has ripe fruit as well!!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

August 4 Back to Plot 5

Just a quick update on my onions - love this planting method ........ have a look

talk about going to seed ...... foliage in front left corner from potatoes - almost ready to harvest, lovely red kale ......... and me thinks time for a garden clean up!!

August 1 Ripe Peppers

my early August container garden harvest ..... another Adam cucumber, Melrose peppers, a few Lunch Box Red peppers and selection of tomatoes

a closer look at the tomatoes

12 noon:  Heart's Delite Black, 6:  Adelaide Festival - and I must update my favourite tomato of 2018 - this is it!!  Amazing flavour - the only one I really wanted; unfortunately not a big cropper, but I will try in my raised bed next year .... the larger cherries are KARMA Pink, and smaller are Cherry Roma along with one ripe Fuego Verde

July 29 The Harvest Continues

Cucumber, green beans and Cherry Roma tomatoes .....

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

July 27 More Tomatoes

More KARMA Pinks, Fuego Verde and Heart's Delite Black ...... and a sliced pic of HDB - my favourite tomato 2018

July 20 Tomatoes and More

Here they are, my first ripes of the year "Saluteus" and "KARMA Pink" special thanks to Craig, Karen and Marsha!!

just had to include my Adam F1 cucumber - delicious ......

July 14 Container Tomatoes and More

Here are the container tomatoes - July 14th ...... and a ripe tomato!! "Saluteus" my Dwarf Project grow out; the plant is looking a little tired and yellow - not sure if nutrient deficiency or disease

KARMA Pink is also starting to blush, although plant does not seem that healthy

and even more amazing - check out my Donkey Ears pepper - not bad for mid July here on the coast;  peppers seem to enjoy growing in small containers