Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 5 Tomato Transplant Begins

like to mix my soils ....... transplant mix:  1 scoop Fraser Valley starter mix, 1 scoop Promix seed starter mix, 1 scoop vermiculite and 2 scoops Promix veggie mix

April 5 Beds 10, 11 and 64

compost has arrived, and beds have been topped up ..... still not ready to remove the salad greens ..... mizuna now a bit bitter and going to flower, mustard a bit spicy and corn salad lovely and sweet - a perfect mix 

tah tsai

corn salad


April 3 Seedling/Back Forty Update

the plant room ....... 


April 2 Hail!

no April Fool's joke here ...... tulips weathered the storm ......


March 30 "R" Garden

 the strawberry pot succulents are really filling in ...... they stay green all winter

these flax seeds are old, but thought I'd give them a go .......... bees love flax blossoms

Sugar Ann snap peas ......

overview .......

overwintered radicchio still growing ........

kale shoots were harvested and roasted - yummy treat!! (they are good raw too)
more kale overwintered

March 30 Tomato Baby Update

Rebel Starfighter Prime still leading the pack (bottom left centre) ...... interesting results from the Lilibet growout ..... looks like I have one potato leaf - and it is a dwarf (back right plant in front) ....... what I'm looking for, but flavour is first priority

March 27 Bed 107 More Seeds Sown

thought I'd sow some radish and onion, and plant my last three strawberry starts .... still no water on site, so fingers crossed for rain!!

March 27 Back Forty

 Tulips should soon be adding their colour ...... violas overwintered

March 25 Tomatoes, Peppers and More

Quite the mix here ...... four dwarfs and an indeterminate;  from top:  Yellow Brick Road (dwarf regular leaf yellow), right: Dwarf Sarah's Olalla Emerald (dwarf potato leaf green), bottom:  Dwarf Harmonic Convergence (dwarf potato leaf red), left:  Dwarf Bendigo Moon (dwarf regular leaf white) and centre Rebel Starfighter Prime (indeterminate regular leaf anthocyanin multicolour) 

strawberries need to be planted out, but it has been too cold ..... Gai Lan and Ethiopian Kale in centre and  snow peas far right

four sweet peppers, two of each ......

overview of all the tomato babies; Boar's Tooth was the only no show

March 24 VanDusen Botanical Garden Early Spring