Tuesday, October 27, 2020

September 6 Just for Show

 The South Burnaby Garden Club celebrated a Virtual Fall Fair this year and all photo entries were welcome - no prizes, just some wonderful pictures ....... here are a few of my entries

Georgian Fire garlic, Padron pepper, Cocozelle zuchinni and Masai bush beans

September 6 "R" Garden

heading rapidly into fall now and the dahlias (Dazzling Sun) look better each day ........ the Dazzling Blue and Rainbow kale are also lovely along with the giant rhubarb leaves ........ and finally an overview

September 5 Some Close-ups

First up is Donkey Ears sweet pepper - my favourite this year - grown in containers in back garden; early and really tasty raw in salads

Macedonian Sweet was another nice sweet pepper - not quite as good as the one above, but still worth growing - these likely would be better roasted

and had to add this dahlia - Papageno - a long time favourite and a lovely surprise return this year as it came from a tuber that lost its label!!


September 4 Beds 10/11 and 64

 This is later than I generally like to get my fall plantings in, so time will tell - should have started my Speedy Bush Beans indoors two weeks ago ........

from left to right:  Samish Spinach, West Coast Mescluns, Astro Arugula and Speedy Bush Beans

Tithonia still going strong and  snap peas beginning their climb - added to empty spaces were Claytonia and Mache

Monday, October 19, 2020

September 3 more Tomatoes

 well, this blog is dedicated to growing tomatoes ........ so a few more

this is interesting - the seed was labelled as Soleil from the Citizen Seed Trial - but this seed appears to be crossed - a red rather than an orange - very productive and healthy - taste, while not memorable, was good for adding to dressed salads

and here is a rather unique one from the Dwarf Tomato Project - Uluru Ochre - colour is strange, but taste is delicious - just not enough of them

September 2 Dwarf Worry Grow Out

 Here are the sliced fruit from four the the five Worry F3 plants ..... very few seeds and lots of meat made for a very thick roasted tomato sauce - almost a rose in colour - yum

August 29 more Tomatoes

Fred's Tie Dye - so good

and the Teensy's are now ripe - beautiful colour ...... but lots of seeds


August 28 Tomatoes

The dwarf Worry tomatoes are beginning to get full colour ....... both "A" and "C" retained the stripes

and some sliced today:


August 27 Back Container Garden

 another view of the back garden - the bean trellis is gone - just so tough this year - not worth growing ... however the cocozelle zucchini is coming back next year - a winner!!

the good news is lots more tomatoes are getting harvested - and another sweet pepper!!

and two more potted plants at their best .... chrysanthemum and decorative oregano

August 27 For the Bees

 Tithonia seems to be a favourite of the bees .......

Sunday, October 18, 2020

August 23 Back Container Garden

Well, this is what I've worked toward since my tomato seed was sown way back in March ......

Overview of back container garden

and the tomatoes:

Oud Holland:  mushy grainy texture, little juice or flavour, bad cat facing and core - rates a 7 at best

Fred's Tie Dye:  juicy, lovely texture on the sweet side with vague acid follow up; nice balance - no core, good slicer rates a 9!

Oud Holland sliced

and the harvest to date, including two Donkey Ears sweet peppers

August 23 Beds 10/11 and 64

First, an overview of the three beds ... plants from the dwarf tomato grow out are beginning to look a little thread bare - these plants were just too bushy and a lot of leaf disease set in ..... but top growth is good and fruit is ripening

the Soleil and Teensy tomatoes in Bed 10 have fallen over, so I'll let them sprawl (the natural state of tomato vines); beans in right corner are growing well

and Bed 64 with Sunflowers and Tithona (Mexican Sunflower) in bloom

here is the harvest off four of the dwarf Worry plants - note two with pronounced stripes; these had to be harvested at first blush as the rats have now started nibbling at the fruit - some of these will be for seed saving only

and a close up of Worry "C" fruit to show size and weight

the Citizen Seed Trial tomatoes are also beginning to ripen ......

From Bed 10: 

From Bed 64:

a ripe Teensy from Bed 10 - often seeds with green gel indicate good flavour - in this case my notes say:  "soft vague acid, lots of seeds, maybe overripe"- so likely not a keeper - but the plant is healthy with excellent production