Monday, July 18, 2022

July 14 Van Dusen Botanical Garden

 always something new in bloom .........  a sea of astilbes 

July 13 Back Container Garden

overview - tomato plants still fairly healthy and fruit set has finally begun big time; all pepper plants have good sized peppers - now just for some colour to show

July 13 'R' Garden

well, that solves one mystery - Papageno is the second dahlia to reveal itself in 'R' Garden 

Brad's Atomic Grape showing good fruit set, although the plant is half the size of my container plant

will have a super harvest of bush beans shortly ......


Creme Silence dahlia pumping out the flowers, and the pole beans are producing well

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

July 12 Beds 10/11 and 64

On the warm side today and the Alderman peas need to be picked ......... watering is a slow process, but especially needed now that fruit is setting

Lilly 8

July 10 Wanderings

decided to check out the rose garden at Queen Elizabeth Park ...... but first, my poppies and Canada Day lily running a little late

spotted a few garden gnomes on the way home

July 9 'R' Garden

gladiola buds are filling out

beans are climbing - I've added a Scarlet Runner and Jennings bean to the mix

should the chard stay or go???  time will tell, but it is rather dominating the garden ....... 

July 7 Beds 10/11 and 64

a quick pop in - trellis in Bed 64 has been propped up, but the trellis in Bed 10 continues to lean ......

a nice picking of Alderman peas for shelling

July 5 'R' Garden

 first small harvest of Matilda beans

early and prolific - Creme Silence dahlia - not my favourite, but nice early colour in the garden

Santee sprouting broccoli should be providing shortly

flowers on my bush beans .......

overview, with the succulents in bloom and a self-seeded poppy was allowed to stay for the bumblebees

July 5 Fruit set in the Back 40



Blood Moon

Super Shepherd

Taiga - these fruit are really large!!

Black Prince snapdragons started from seed are beginning to emerge

Lilly 9 now with three fruit set

overview - Dazzling Sun dahlia front and centre

July 3 Beds 10/11 and 64

more snap and snow peas ..... and the Lilly F2 plants are finally thinking about setting fruit;  these raised beds require deep watering almost daily!!

oops ..... Alderman peas are bending the trellis toward my neighbour's garden bed ...... hmmm, what to do

July 1 Happy Canada Day

Treasures from all three gardens today ...... especially excited about the heart shaped fruit on Lilly 9 - the first to set fruit

Sunday, July 10, 2022

June 27 Container Tomatoes Up Close

haven't done a close-up of the back 40 tomatoes in a bit ...... 

Sunchocola, Atomic Fusion, 15th and Vine

Dwarf Firebird Sweet, Lilly 5, Sweet Baby Jade

Blood Moon, Brad's Atomic Grape, Yasenichi Yabuchar

Dwarf Golden Gypsy, Taiga, Lilly 10

Super Shepard pepper
