Saturday, October 23, 2021

October 22 Beds 10/11 and 64

The time has come to remove the last of the tomatoes, radishes and a few quite large scallions ..... love the look of the beds with the colourful leaves

Beedy's Camden Kale and Breen lettuce still going strong ...... a lot of baby greens seedlings under the mulch

Queen Lime Orange zinnia - one flower was ready for seed saving, now drying indoors ..... have no idea if this is opened pollinated - will see what grows next season

watermelon radish and mizuna loving this fall weather; baby scallions hiding in the mulch

the last of the harvest for this year from Beds 10/11 and 64; most of the tomatoes are Russian Black Pear, two Kits Find and one Lillian's Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart cross - hopefully will ripen indoors; the scallions (Kincho) look more like leeks ..... but they have grown all summer

October 21 Garlic in the Back 40

Some say the best time to plant garlic is at the full Hunter's moon ..... that was yesterday ..... soil was amended with Gaia Green Power Bloom 2-8-4

Elephant Garlic
Northern Quebec Porcelain

Georgian Fire (I have been growing this one for a number of years with saved bulbs, but this year they were small - hopefully these will size up next year)

Chandler Blueberry ablaze, and a few dahlias still blooming
Kale and Brassicas from seed - time for some leaf mulch

and leaf mulch for the planted garlic

October 21 Mushrooms!!

 So many mushrooms ...... Fly Agaric 

October 19 Planted Some Bulbs

 Seemed like a good day to plant some bulbs ...... lots more to go, but two containers is a start - oh almost forgot - crocus planted in terracotta pot

October 19 VanDusen Botanical Gardens

 Lovely any time of the year, but the maples make the fall special

bright yellow of the Ginkgoes 

October 18 'R' Garden

 Brassicas and Chard taking over fall garden

grey mould spotted earlier, but this plant seems to outgrown the problem

Radicchio starting to form its lovely head 

Cosmos buds

more fall greens at far end of garden with Calendula adding some colour to the mix 

succulents - always a lovely carpet of green

Chickadee enjoying sunflower flower seeds in neighbour's plot

love the dahlias against the brilliant fall colours


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Mid October More Fall Colour

Q.E. Park Quarry in the rain

Cacti - this one is native to British Columbia

Sunday, October 10, 2021

October 10 Still Tomatoes and More

what a perfect day for working out in the back 40

KARMA Miracle tomato still producing tomatoes on a super healthy plant

preparing the containers for fall bulb planting

last of the KARMA Miracle that will ripen indoors

Tiger Eye Viola started from seed .... these will overwinter and hopefully provide a lovely contrast to the spring bulbs

this was the only container planted in late summer that seemed to have viable seeds .... Global Gourmet Blend Mescluns (pelleted)

the chrysanthemum enjoying the last few rays of fall sunshine, and the sweet pickle peppers are hanging in there for a few more weeks

Lillian's Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart F1 (Lilly Family) - the flavour of this tomato was amazing, even ripened indoors - looking forward to trialling the F2 seed next season

Saturday, October 9, 2021

October 7 More Fall Colour


October 1 Back Container Garden

The larger empty containers will need to be prepped for spring bulbs soon ..... a few peppers and basil still remain 

hosta is just about done for this year while the chrysanthemum is just peaking - love the look with Sweet Pickle pepper