Saturday, October 2, 2021

September 18 Beds 10/11 and 64

Beds 10 and 11 looking green and lush in mid September - even the tomatoes are still looking healthy .. 

never tire of taking pics of Lillian's Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart cross ... so productive and beautiful!!

my watermelon radish are taking off, the mizuna is growing and the green onions have sprouted; Red Swan bush beans in back are almost ready for harvesting for seed

another picture perfect production machine ...... Kits Find

the big ones are filling my kitchen now

Bed 64:  Russian Black Pear still going strong and the transplanted Breen lettuce is looking OK

my prize tomato up close - over 17 oz. - not quite ripe but I didn't want to crack to mould due to heavy rains of late

kitchen salad assortment of smaller tomatoes and sweet peppers; some of the peppers of drying down well

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