Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6 More to Sow - Plot 5

The soil has arrived at 16 Oaks, from Eco-Soil - this grew amazing veggies last year and looks good again this year - this is their premium veggie mix ..... a thin layer was added to the garden.

Central head was harvested from my remaining two Purple Sprouting Broccoli plants and now we have lots of tender side shoots to toss into salads.  My "Geranium" Narcisses is almost in bloom - planted October 13th.

Patriot Blueberry is leafing out

Potato trench - planted one each of Yukon Gold, Red Chieftain, German Butter and French Fingerling.  Also popped in two potato onion bulbs.

Hmm, what to plant ....... decided to go with Samish Spinach, Berlicummer Carrots, Amish Deer Tongue Lettuce, Italian Cultivated rocket (Arugula), German Giant Radish and Renee's "Delicious Duo" red and white scallions

Good grief - hope I'll have enough room for tomatoes .......... coming up next!!

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