Saturday, September 25, 2021

August 27 Beds 10, 11 and 64

 one row of arugula is looking good, as is the row of French Breakfast radishes

this may be the year I finally get a crop of Watermelon Radish (far left) - I've tried to grow them for years with little success - scallions and mizuna appearing as well

Beds 10, 11 overview - tomato plants have made a great recovery from earlier in the summer
almost the end of August and this garden is still providing some big tomatoes - Kits Find, Fred's Tie Dye, Muddy Mamba and Russian Black Pear - and plenty more still to ripen

Bed 64 with Russian Black Pear tomato remaining healthy and still setting fruit - time to remove the sweet peas and save a few seeds ..... 
Fall is in the air .....

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