Sunday, May 26, 2024

May 14 and 15 Back 40 ..... Tomatoes and Dahlias are In

Tomatoes hardened off and containers all prepped for transplant .... 

a mix of my compost and these goodies ....... haven't tried Container Complete before - seemed a bit heavy - time will tell

dahlias have been enjoying the great outdoors for a bit now ..... first time I've started tubers to this size before planting out; also note my loganberry (a raspberry/blackberry cross) in the large container ...... something new to me

overview 1

overview 2

tomatoes ready to go - west side of house ....  left to right:  Midnight Sun,  Rose Quartz and Lilibet PL

top to bottom in pots:  Green Krim Cherry, Yellow Brick Road, Orange Russian Doukhobors, Dwarf BrandyFred, Heart's Delite Black, Moonlight Mile, Chupa Chups

top to bottom:  Atomic Sunset, Lucky Tiger, Lily T-23, Crushed Heart and Lilibet

managed to squeeze in six dahlias with my blueberry and snap peas ...... out of containers, so Wentzell tomato got a garden spot too .... bottom right with snap peas on trellis

dahlias:  starting at bottom right then counter-clockwise: Labyrinth, Papageno, Totally Tangerine, Black Wizard, Labyrinth (bonus tuber in package), Crossfield Ebony ........

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