Tuesday, December 17, 2019

October 29 Back Container Garden

My container greens have exploded, and today I also planted my spring bulbs

First up on left is Lacinato Rainbow Kale - quite lovely and yummy to.  This container was direct seeded on August 19th as was the container to the right - West Coast Seeds Alfresco Blend Mescluns - this mix comes pelleted with a mix of greens in each pellet - I planted two pellets in this container - rather expensive, but I love the way it grows

next up my "Ballerina" lily flowering tulips and to the right a pinch of mystery salad mix provided by West Coast Seeds at their booth at the Pacific National Exhibition - a few mustards, arugula and more ....... and some lovely blue viola that should overwinter and look amazing come the spring - time will tell

next up, containers planted with bulbs - Woronowill Snowdrops, Botanical Mix Snow Crocus and Bridal Crown Narcisses (one of my favourites)

and a special one - new to me, but highly recommended Tiger Mix Dutch Iris

and the last two containers - back another pinch of mystery salad mix provided by West Coast Seeds at their booth at the Pacific National Exhibition and in the front my Amethyst radish that I hoped would provide some seed - not there yet, but perhaps will overwinter?

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