Thursday, May 19, 2022

May 18 'R' Garden

overview - four different bush beans were sown in short rows today:  one I call Van Dusen - received from a friend a number of years ago - older seed, so hopefully a few will germinate, also Masai - a favourite the last few years, Speedy and Serpedor (wax Romano)

yellow chard - this was the original colour of saved seed
and this wonderful orange variation ...... hoping for seed

well, at least one kale found a home - these plants get really big, so not really room for more; I think this one might be Dazzling Blue

a few slug munches, but Santee is looking OK

yes!  Dahlias have started to sprout along with the gladiolas ..... I unfortunately forgot to label the varieties, so will have to wait until flower time to id

Whoa rhubarb

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