Saturday, June 18, 2022

June 17 Beds 10, 11 and 64

A lot of growth in one week ..... peas in Bed 10 starting to set pods and the tomatoes are bushing out - but still waiting for tomato set; no sign of the beans in Bed 10,  but decided to squeeze in two lettuce in need of transplant

here's a close-up of the tomatoes in Bed 64 .....

a view from the top gives a much better look at plant size/shape; from top left, clockwise:  Lilly 11, Lilly 8, Lilly 3, Lilly 2

here's the top view of Bed 11 tomatoes from far left, clockwise:  Lilly 4, Lilly 7, Lilly 6, Lilly 12

and finally, a close-up of 15th and Vine

bee enjoying Spanish Lavender in a neighbour's plot


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