Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 13 Tomato Sowing Day

now that my sweet peppers have sprouted I have room on my heat source for the tomatoes ...... thought I'd better get these in before I yet again change my mind ....... same soil mixe used for my peppers ...... only one seed planted of each, apart from 8 for Lilibet ...... early enough to replant if some fail to germinate; decided I didn't need/or have space for more than about 20 tomato babies

and here is a brief description/history of my 2023 tomatoes:

Dwarf Sara's Olalla Emerald:  3-4 ft. tall dwarf. Potato leaf. 2-6 oz. Round, green fruit.  Outstanding flavour.   Dwarf Tomato Project

Pink Berkeley Tie Dye:  from Brad Gates; compact Indeterminate. Early to mid-early.  8-12 ounce fruit.  Very sweet rich dark tomato flavour.  Port-wine colored beefsteak with metallic green stripes;   

Chocolate Sprinkles F1:   indeterminate hybrid with high yields of 5-7 fruit clusters bearing 1 oz fruit. Very sweet.  Beautiful red colour with dark green stripes. Crack resistant. Early 

Lilly 12 F3 seed (Lilibet):  My Grow out – plants now F4 (named in tribute to Queen Elizabeth II).   not a big plant – semi-det.? Heart with pink/gold stripes delicious!!  nice texture, good sweet/tart balance, no core, lovely juice ratio, nice and meaty; still segregating, hoping for more tasty hearts and an earlier harvest this year – on the late side

Rebel Starfighter Prime (x 2):  from breeder Russ Crowe - cross of Xanadu Picasso x RHK GWR Heart; two seed sources, as shapes do vary with source; red with with indigo/black anthocyanin shoulders and stripes of pink, bronze-green and indigo; heart or strawberry shaped, wispy and tall 

Momomakhi’s Hat:  semi determinate plants; large pink hearts; on the early side; wispy plants with regular foliage; very meaty and sweet

Dwarf Bendigo Moon:  Indet, reg leaf, 3-4 ft tall dwarf, 1-2 oz white cherry fruit, oval to plum shape with small point on blossom end, high yields, excellent flavour.  Dwarf Tomato Project

Tatjiana:  Indeterminate; 3 - 5 feet in height; compact, sturdy vines, and grows quite uniformly;  early variety that keeps producing;  quite resistant to fungus; dark green rugose foliage and golf ball size round red tomatoes 

Boar’s Tooth:  from Brad Gates;  mid-season indterminate variety with regular leaves;  produces  3-4 inch elongated tomatoes from 2 - 4 oz; very productive, meaty with a sweet and rich flavor; striping with dark red/brown coloring

Lucky Tiger:  from Fred Hemple; indeterminate, tall, regular-leaf vines are very productive and bushy. Fruits are 1 1⁄2 - 2 oz; about 2” long, greenish pink, bi color with subtle orange/green striped color with orange flesh inside; sweet flavor

Yellow Brick Road:  from Karen Olivier’s Wizard of Oz series; yellow on yellow striped mini beefsteak tomatoes on productive and sturdy small dwarf 18-20” plants

Dwarf Harmonic Convergence:  Potato leaf dwarf, excellent medium sized red fruit, good yields, great flavor with complexity, acid and sweetness; Dwarf Tomato Project

Blood Moon:  from Brad Gates; this rated a 9+ flavour rating last year, but fruit on small size and very low production; my plan is to use my rasied bed in an attempt to increase harvest; description calls for:  8-12oz fruit;  meaty, rich, and sweet; cross of Pink Berkeley Tie Dye and Blue Beauty with an  amazing mix of black and pink streaks and stripes

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