Monday, July 26, 2021

July 16 Beds 10/11 and 64

Another visit to the Gas Station Garden ...

here is Lillian's Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart in Bed 10 - making a comeback -  

Bed 11 Kits Find tomato looking good - love the way the lettuce is standing guard!!

Russian Black Pear is a very pretty tomato to date, no blemishes, cat facing, etc. and very productive, now just for some colour

and the continuing saga of the Citizen Seed Trial Beets - nothing much happening - not sure how much longer I'll let them grow; but the Red Swan bush beans are looking fabulous and loving this weather

overview of Beds 10 and 11 - thinking about fall/winter plantings to fill in the spaces; I have started  a few plants of broccoli, sprouting broccoli, broccoli raab, Brussels sprouts and a few more Breen lettuce - now just to find room for them!!  Check out West Coast Seeds fall/winter gardening guide

getting a nice handful of Masai bush beans every few days, but no sign of zucchini ....

perhaps time to think about replacing the deer tongue lettuce with more edibles .... sweetpeas in the back are amazing - keep picking, they keep blooming - even with this hot weather

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