Tuesday, July 20, 2021

July 4 Beds 10/11 and 64

Garden beds have seen better days ........ lettuce is reaching for the sky, Nasturtiums feeling the heat and aphid attach - where are the lady bugs?? and the tomatoes need some help ...

But the sweet peas are flourishing in Bed 64 - rather a surprise to me considering the heat of late; the Salanova Sweet Crisp Red lettuce is amazing - has been cut back a few times, keeps growing back, and still not going to seed

Amish Deer Tongue lettuce also continues to provide greens after cutting back

Tomatoes need help!! all diseased leaves removed - and on closer inspection, I realized the raised bed was totally dried out!!  dug some deep holes and filled with water - hopefully this will help .... to the left Lillian's Yellow Heirloom x Dwarf Speckled Heart F1 and to the right - Muddy Mamba; a few green onions are a nice addition to salads

a bit of sun scald on the Nasturtiums, but still lovely .....

I quite like how the towering Breen lettuce is now supporting my Kits Find tomato!!

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